The concept of

来源 :中国教师与教育教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gavin_18
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  Generally speaking," Context" means the circumstances in which the text is used. Webster defines it as" the whole situation background or environment relating to a particular event" .language is shown in authentic contexts encouraging readers to focus on meaning as well as structure .So readers are facing not only with the task of observing and choosing culturally relevant features of the context but also with patting linguistic features in relation to other features to arrive at some understanding of language in use.
   When conversation gets confusing people say," I know you think you understand what you heard me say, but I'm not sure if what you heard was what I really meant."Once the same talk or text is put in different situations, its understanding must alter accordingly. That's also why teaching culture is harder than teaching language. language has rules, while context doesn't .Every word needs a context to give it meaning, if you don't know the context, the word is nonsense thus, to a large extent, the concept of "context" is the key to the understanding of language.
  In practical English-teaching, "context" is taught as well as vocabulary and grammar, which are all the influential factors in the understanding of English. The traditional way of teaching English is to teach the students words and expressions, together with the grammar rules but be unaware of the importance of context .That's why situational English teaching method, one of the most efficient and popular ways of teaching, came into being .For instance, we cannot define the meaning of the phrase "eat one's words" from the phrase itself as “食言”,Which is translated word-for-word. If we put phrase in a text, it is quite easy to get to know that it means “收回某人的話或承认自己说错话”,And it is the phrase "break one's words" that means “食言” Also , memorizing the words or phrases in the context is a good method in memorizing words , So it is not encouraged for the students to keep reciting the words from the context instead of learning the words themselves . And it's not enough to know its meaning. It is better to put it into practical use in some real or imaginary context. Besides, context is essential in English teaching by means of "situational teaching methodology". InLead-in or presentation of the whole text, it is common to put the new words in some invented known context so that the students can understand easily. In the following 2 steps of teaching, it is also useful to make some post-reading activities, such as performances or debate, for the students to practice and consolidate. What's more, context can even be used in the grammar teaching. It is quite boring and inefficient just to teach grammar rules. Invent some situation, which we call "context", and let the students understand the usage and grammar rules by inference or analysis by themselves. That proves to be the better way.
   As we can see, context is the key to the understanding of language. But what's the key to "context"? The answer is "find the clue". The "clue" is the thread that leads you safely through danger. So students can learn how to obtain the meanings of the unknown words through recognizing and apply-ing context clues. And what's the best way to "get the clue"? The answer is "inference". Inference is the most common and efficient way to find the contextual clue. Sometimes a word or phrase is not immediately clarified within the same sentence.
  Relationships, which are not directly apparent, are inferred or implied. The reader must look for clues within, before, and after the sentence in which the word is used. Here are some examples:
  1. He was on the carpet for not finishing his essay on Baldacci.
  .Definition: on the carpet means in trouble.
  .Explanation: Because he had not finished his essay on time, he was going to be in trouble.
  .context clue: Inference (The words not finishing infer getting into trouble)
  2. She was now the assistant cook in the house.
  .Explanation: Because if the family is rich, assistant cook is needed but he must work in a mansion instead of a house, whereas, if it is ordinary family, assistant cook is not necessary at all. So the house here has a particular meaning like "restaurant" / "tea house" etc.
  .Context clue: Inference (The words "assistant cook" infer that the house can not be the one in common sense).
【摘要】合作不是一种顺从,而是一种相互认同、相互接纳。在教学过程中存在多种形式的合作和竞争,在合作学习中引入竞争机制,精讲多练,加大训练梯度和训练量。合作学习注重学生的一种独立思考能力的培养,适合当前课堂教学改革要求,有较强的生命力,将进一步完善和发展。  【关键词】竞争;求知;合作;学习 传统的教育理论和实践,注重以教师的讲解和学生的被动接受为主,这种注入式的教学模式限制了学生的个性,不利于人才
【摘要】《数学课程标准》明确指出:有效的学习活动不能单纯依赖模仿与记忆;动手实践、自主探究、合作交流是学生学习数学的重要方式。这说明合作交流学习在数学学习过程中起重要作用,而这又是高中学生所缺少的,笔者针对一年多来对小组合作讨论学习在高中数学教学的尝试,谈谈几点体会。  【关键词】 高中数学;小组合作;学习合作学习是指学生在小组或团体中为了完成共同的任务,有明确责任分工的互助性学习。我国自80年代
1.学习前辈经验,认真吸收消化,是进入教师角色的捷径   以前,我认为只要专业知识水平达到一定程度就可以当老师了,其实不然,教育,不但是简单的知识传授,更重要的是一个教书育人的过程,所以,仅有专业知识还是不够的。教育局领导为了使新教师能尽快适应教学工作,具备良好的思想品德和较高的业务素质,安排师训中心和学校相互配合,举办了多次的新教师培训活动。在首次集中培训中,不但向新教师讲述了教育政策法规知识、
【摘要】对于英语学习,背诵不失为妙法之一。背诵英语课文有助于加强单词、短语、句子、习惯用语的记忆。可以增加语感,提高听、说、读、写能力。   【关键词】背诵;综合提高;语感过去,许多老夫子教导他的弟子,常常会说:“读书不厌百回读”,“熟能生巧,多读才能多写”。这些话语,确实是学好语文的经验之谈。许多名家大师,当他们在事业上,学习上,学问上取得很大成就时,常常会情不自禁地谈到自己得益于青少年时期大量
【摘要】新材料作文已成为高考作文的新趋势,因此引导学生多角度开掘材料并选择最佳角度立意,以及有效把握审题立意的方法技巧刻不容缓。  【关键词】新材料作文;审题立意;角度;方法The new material composition review a purpose  Yazhen-long  【Abstract】New the material composition have become Ga
通过这段时间远程培训课程的学习,我收获颇多,同时也感受到了肩上沉甸甸的压力。对于新课改自己也有了一个全新的认识。新的课程改革对英语教学提出了更高的要求,使高中英语教学面临巨大的挑战。新课改下的英语教师必须及时转变教学观念,改变原有的教学方式,着眼于学生英语综合能力的提高,形成良好的学习态度和学习习惯,为学生的终身发展打下坚实的基础。  新课程是一种新理念,新思想。这对我每位教师来说都是一种挑战,都
眼下,低年级语文教学普遍存在忽视基础、用大量时间分析课文内容的倾向,应当引起高度重视。为了切实加强低年级的语文教学,特提出改进教学的六点建议。  1.坚决落实以识字、写字为重点,让学生主动识字,记得牢,写得好  既然识字、写字“是第一学段的教学重点”,那么,在教学中就要体现、落实这一重点。识字、写字教学,除了要在量上完成,还要在质上达标。如,能借助汉语拼音认读生字;掌握汉字的基本笔画和常用的偏旁部
在信息化时代的今天,网络已成为人类最重要的工具之一,网络正在改变着我们的生活,随着我们的学习平台、学习环境、学习方式的变化,我们获取知识的平台、获取知识的手段、获取知识的方式也呈多元化和现代化。   可以说,网络环境下学习的实质就是学习方式的革命,因而在网络提供的信息资源平台上获取知识,不仅能满足各类型学生的求知需要,还有助于学生自主学习能力的培养。在信息学教学中,利用网络资源对学生进行自主学习能