内罗毕专电 肯尼亚首都内罗毕东北郊的昆虫生理学及生态学国际中心,是当前世界上规模最大的以昆虫为研究对象的研究所。近年来,非洲遭受空前大旱和饥馑,粮食问题成为非洲各国国计民生中的头等大事,这个研究所在研究控制农作物及牲畜虫害方面取得了可喜的成果。 今年7月,国际“反饥饿计划”组织授予研究所的创始人和主任、肯尼亚昆虫学家托马斯·奥迪亚姆布博士和塞内加尔总统阿卜杜·迪乌夫首届“非洲杰出领导人”奖,以表彰他们为非洲消除饥饿做出
Nairobi Special Authority The International Center for Entomology and Ecology in the Northeast of Nairobi, capital of Kenya, is the largest institute in the world to study insects. In recent years, Africa has suffered unprecedented drought and famine. The food issue has become the number one priority in the national economy and the people’s livelihood in African countries. This institute has made gratifying achievements in studying the control of crops and animal pests. In July this year, the International Organization Against Hunger Program awarded the founder and director of the Institute, Dr. Thomas Odiambu, a Kenyan entomologist, and the first Outstanding African Leaders Award, President Abdul Diouf, of Senegal. In recognition of their contribution to the eradication of hunger in Africa