目的了解宁波市镇海区男男性行为(MSM)人群的性行为特征和艾滋病知晓率及安全套使用情况,为实施MSM人群高危行为干预提供参考。方法采用横断面调查方法,利用滚雪球和同伴推动的招募方法对居住在镇海区的MSM进行问卷调查。结果 351名MSM接受调查,年龄在18~74岁之间;一年内罹患性病16例(4.56%),吸毒6人(1.71%);3个月内有非商业性同性性行为175人(49.86%),有商业性同性性行为66人(18.80%);136人(38.75%)发生过无套口交、酒后无套肛交等其他同性性行为,90人有异性性行为(25.64%)。调查人群艾滋病相关知识知晓率在70%以上。结论宁波市镇海区MSM人群艾滋病知识知晓率相对较高,但安全套使用率偏低,应加强高危行为干预。
Objective To understand the characteristics of sexual behavior, HIV awareness and condom use in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Zhenhai District of Ningbo City, and provide reference for the intervention of high-risk behavior in MSM population. Methods A cross-sectional survey method was used to investigate the MSM living in Zhenhai District using snowball and peer-driven recruitment methods. Results A total of 351 MSM were surveyed between the ages of 18 and 74 years old. Sixteen (4.56%) were sexually transmitted diseases and six (1.71%) were drugged in one year. There were 175 non-commercial same-sex sexual behaviors in three months (49.86 There were 66 (18.80%) of the same-sex businesses; 136 (38.75%) had other same-sex businesses such as no mouth blowjobs, drunk sets of anal sex and 90% had heterosexual sex (25.64%). AIDS-related knowledge of the survey population awareness rate above 70%. Conclusion The awareness rate of HIV / AIDS among MSM population in Zhenhai District of Ningbo City is relatively high, but the condom use rate is low, and high-risk behavioral intervention should be strengthened.