破坏选举 国法不容

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近日,长清县人民检察院以涉嫌破坏选举罪,依法批准逮捕了犯罪嫌疑人赵长禄,维护了公民选举权和法律的尊严。1998年12月20日晚,该县万德镇小侯集村村民赵长禄,因怀疑村支书在提名镇人大代表候选人时不符合程序,伙同另外两名村民从村民小组长家中将全村650张选民证强行掠走,致使该村选举工作不能正常进行。12月21日,赵长禄等人又到镇上吵闹,扬言“处理不好村支书提名镇人大代表候选人不符合程序的事,就不让第二天的选举成功。”22日,镇派出所找赵长禄等人谈话时,小侯集村将流动票箱带到派出所,让赵长禄等人填写选票,他们拒绝。而后,赵长禄等人窜至小侯集村所属的 Recently, Changqing County People’s Procuratorate on suspicion of undermining the election crime, according to the law approved the arrest of the suspect Zhao Changlu, safeguarding the rights of citizens to vote and the dignity of the law. On the night of December 20, 1998, Zhao Changlu, a villager in Houhouji Village, Wande Town, in the county, was suspected of having failed to comply with the procedures for nomination of candidates for town deputies due to his suspicion that his party secretary, together with the other two villagers, The election of Zhang Xuanmin card forced to go, resulting in the election of the village can not be normal. On December 21, Zhao Changlu and others went to the town noisy and threatened that “the handling of the party secretary’s unsuccessful nomination of candidate for town council would not succeed in the next day’s election.” "On the 22nd, When the police station looked for Zhao Changlu and others to talk, Xiao Hou Jicun took the mobile ticket box to the police station and asked Zhao Changlu and others to fill in the ballot papers. They refused. Later, Zhao Changlu and other people flee to the small Hou Jicun belonging
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