The importance of plow-shaped normal faults in the formation of sedimentary basins is increasingly evident. Based on reflection seismic sections and ground observations, the following four types of occurrences can be distinguished: 1. Plow-shaped normal faults involving the basement with some crustal thinning. Such faults occur during the rift-forming period and such rifts often occur prior to the formation of passive margins (eg the Bay of Biscay, the Galician Shoal); 2. Plow-shaped normal faulting of loosely surfaced sediments and Delta system or related to drift stratigraphy associated with passive land-subsidence (eg the Gulf of Mexico); 3. plow-normal faulting associated with accretionary wedges generated at active margins (eg, Colombia); 4 The orogenic and post - orogenic faulting, which is related to the extension and shearing of the orogenic parts and some of their foreland (eg the Great Basin). Based on observations of the continental margin and the Late Paleozoic basin, the role of normal faults in the evolution of the “gnarls” and fold belts (eg the Alps) is better understood.