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混凝土是建筑工程建设中使用非常频繁的材料,但是由于种种原因,混凝土结构难以达到稳定状态,经过一段时间后表面会出现大量裂缝,严重的威胁到建筑物的安全和稳定,因而对混凝土产生裂缝的原因的分析研究成为了重要的课题,相应的防治措施也很快的应用到问题的解决过程中。 However, due to various reasons, it is difficult for concrete structures to reach a steady state. After a period of time, a large number of cracks will appear on the surface, which will seriously threaten the safety and stability of the building and cause cracks to the concrete Analysis of the causes of the problem has become an important issue, the corresponding prevention and control measures are also quickly applied to the problem solving process.
老人在隆冬季节容易出现精神抑郁症,表现为精神萎靡、疲乏、大脑反应迟钝及昏昏欲睡等症状。这除了与冬季活动量减少有关外,很重要的原因是与冬天昼短夜长、光照不足有关。  阳光是一种电磁波,犹如一种天然的“兴奋剂”。阳光辐射到人体会造成一系列生理变化,如红外线“热”的作用,会使毛细血管扩张,加快血液循环。紫外线的作用可以使黑色素氧化,皮肤中维生素D和组胺增高,胃酸分泌增加还会使血液中血红蛋白、钙、磷、鎂等
1. — What’s her name?  —Oh,I _____.  A. forget  B. forgot  C. had forgotten   D. am forgetting  2. I’ll come after the meeting if time _____.  A. permits  B. is permitting  C. is permitted  D. has per