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1991年8月24日,世界上第一个社会主义国家的缔造者和领导者苏联共产党被迫宣布解散,上演了一幕20世纪国际共运史上的悲剧。这一剧变警示我们,共产党的执政地位不是一劳永逸的,党执政后必须加强执政能力建设,深入研究共产党执政规律。合法性理论是研究共产党执政规律的一个重要视角。拥有足够的合法性资源,是一个党执政的根本保证;不断保持合法性资源的再生产,则是一个党永葆执政地位的关键所在。苏联共产党,作为世界上第一个执政的无产阶级政党,其在执政合法性资源的再生产方面有许多经验教训。日前,本刊编辑部特邀几位苏联与国际共运史专家围绕苏共执政合法性资源的再生产问题进行探讨,以期对探究共产党执政规律有所裨益。 On August 24, 1991, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the founder and leader of the world’s first socialist country, was forced to announce its dissolution and staged a series of tragedies in the history of international communist movement in the 20th century. This change has warned us that the ruling status of the Communist Party is not permanent and permanent. After the party takes power, it is imperative to strengthen the building of the ability to govern and conduct an in-depth study of the law governing the Communist Party. Legitimacy Theory is an Important Perspective to Study the Law of Communist Party in Power. Having a sufficient source of legitimacy is a fundamental guarantee for the party in power. Continuing to maintain the legitimacy of the reproduction of resources is a key aspect of the party in maintaining its ruling position. The Soviet Communist Party, the first ruling proletarian party in the world, has many lessons in the reproduction of the ruling legitimate resources. Recently, the editorial department of this magazine invited several Soviet experts and experts on international communism movement to discuss the reproduction of the resources of legitimacy of the CPSU under investigation, with a view to exploring the law governing the Communist Party.
对“会来事”的好好关照  你会“来事”会“处事”,我让你“好办事”,是阳开府收钱的技巧之一。经法庭审理证实,不管是事前还是事后,“给了他好处的或所谓会办事的,他都会在相关工程中给予关照。”  早在1999年至2001年,阳开府担任云南省曲靖辖区一个乡的党委书记时,当地一家建筑公司经理老高为了尽快拨付所承建学校的工程款,毫不犹豫地送上20万元。收款后,阳开府甚至对这位“会来事”的老高承诺,将继续为老
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