西山,多是以方位冠名的山峦。处在某地区或某城市西面的群山峻岭,往往会被称为西山。因此,昆明有西山,南昌有西山,桂林有西山,很多地方有西山。 大概是感受致深的缘故,最让我动心的却是广西桂平西山,海拔才678.6米,和五岳的巨大相比,只能算天地间的一个微型盆景罢了。因其小,有时或被忽路,但我却在多次登临中,体味其林秀、石奇、泉甘、茶香的同时,又读懂了它的奇伟傲岸,睿智幽远,恬淡旷达……
Western Hills, mostly named by the mountain azimuth. In a certain area or a city west of the mountains, often called the Western Hills. Therefore, Kunming has Xishan, Nanchang has Xishan, Guilin has Xishan, many places Xishan. Probably the reason to feel deep, the most tempting I Guangxi Guiping Xishan, only 678.6 meters above sea level, compared with the vastness of the Five Sacred Mountains, can only be considered a miniature bonsai heaven and earth Bale. Because of its small, sometimes or neglected, but I have been on many occasions, appreciate its Linxiu, Shi Qi, Quan Gan, tea, at the same time, read it, its magnificent pride, wisdom far away, tranquil and broad-minded ... ...