在英语教学中,语法教学是不可回避的一个话题。然而在语法教学实践中,许多教师往往还是先呈现规则,花大量时间讲解,然后通过大量机械操练来让学生掌握所学的语法规则,给学生造成语法繁、难、杂的印象。新版译林英语教材从五年级上开始,专门设立了“Grammar time”板块,如何摈弃枯燥乏味,让学生熟练应用呢?笔者从“妙趣横生”四方面入手,对如何智慧处理英语语法教学做一阐述。妙思,情境创起来
In English teaching, grammar teaching is an unavoidable topic. However, in the practice of grammar teaching, many teachers tend to present the rules first, spend a lot of time to explain, and then through a large number of mechanical exercises to enable students to master the grammar rules, to the students to create complex, difficult, mixed impression. From the fifth grade onwards, the new version of Yilin English textbook has specially set up the “Grammar time” plate. How can we abandon the dull and tedious teaching so that the students can apply it skillfully? The author starts from the four aspects of “fun”, how to handle English grammar wisely Teaching to do an elaboration. Wonderful thinking, the situation created