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贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,是文艺界学习、实践“三个代表”重要思想的体现和必然要求。艺术的生命在于真实,而只有深深根植于现实生活的土壤,根植于人民群众的社会生活,文艺才有可能真实地反映时代前进的要求,反映人民群众的思想感情、愿望和理想,从而得到人民群众的认可;也只有坚持“三贴近”,我们的艺术产品才有可能以人民群众喜欢接受的方式,使他们得到审美愉悦和人生激励。只有当艺术产品是从丰厚的时代生活的土壤中萌芽孕育,而又以姹紫嫣红、绚丽多姿的洋溢鲜活生命力的景象,牵动人们投注目光的时候,才能真正触动人们的情感,才能真正具有吸引力和感染力。文艺工作包括文艺创作的出发点和最终归宿,都应该是为了广大的人民群众,而只有真正坚持“三贴近”,我们的文艺才会寻找到真实,才会有源自生命本原的活泼的生命力,也才会真正为培育和弘扬民族精神做出自己应有的贡献。 Being close to reality, living close to life and being close to the masses are the embodiment and necessary requirement of studying and practicing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ Only the life rooted in the real life and the rooted in the social life of the people and the masses can art truly reflect the requirements of the advancing age and reflect the ideological feelings, aspirations and ideals of the masses of the people so as to obtain People’s recognition. Only by adhering to the principle of “three closerness,” can our art products make them enjoy aesthetic pleasure and life encouragement in a way that the masses of the people like to accept. Only when art products are sprouted and germinated from the rich soil of the times and vividly colorful scenes of vivid vitality affect people’s attention can they really attract people’s emotions and really attract Power and contagiousness. Literary and art work, including the starting point and final destination of literary and artistic creations, should all be for the broad masses of the people. Only by truly adhering to the principle of “three closeness,” will our art be able to find truth and live vitality stemming from the origin of life It will really make its due contribution to nurturing and promoting the national spirit.
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