目的 了解广州市低肌肉量老年人膳食营养状况,为低肌肉量老年人合理膳食、预防肌肉衰减提供科学建议.方法 对参与补充乳清蛋白随机对照试验的低肌肉量老年人进行基线问卷调查,收集调查对象一般情况和体格测量资料,采用半定量79条目食物频率问卷调查参与者近1年的膳食情况.结果 共调查122名老年人,男性和女性各61人,平均年龄(71.3±3.8)岁;四肢骨骼肌质量指数(ASMI)男性为(6.39±0.47)、女性为(4.94±0.38).该人群膳食营养素日均摄入量与膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)比较,男性和女性日均蛋白质、维生素E、维生素C和铁的摄入量均达到100% DRIs;总能量日均摄入量基本达到80% DRIs;钙的日均摄入量男性仅占DRIs的59.7%、女性占57.7%.蔬菜、畜禽肉日均摄入量男性依次为(344.3±150.3)、(100.2±67.8)g/d,女性依次为(352.9±154.1)、(79.8±49.4) g/d,均高于膳食指南推荐量;水果摄入量男性为(137.7±110.9) g/d、女性为(121.6±62.7) g/d,奶类摄入量男性为(45.6±60.6) g/d、女性为(61.0±69.0) g/d,豆类摄入量男性为(17.4±31.4) g/wk、女性为(17.1±33.8) g/wk,均低于膳食指南推荐量.结论 广州市低肌肉量老年人膳食蛋白质摄入基本充足,但奶类、豆类和水果摄入量不足,建议改善膳食结构以维持适宜的骨骼肌量.“,”Objective To investigate the dietary and nutritional status of the elderly with low muscle mass in Guangzhou and provide nutritional recommendations for older adults to maintain their skeletal muscle mass.Methods Low-muscle-mass elderly people involved in a whey protein supplementation randomized controlled trial were selected from Guangzhou City to participate in the baseline survey.Basic information and anthropometric measurements were collected.Dietary intakes of participants in the past one year were assessed using a 79-item food frequency questionnaire.Results A total of 122 elderly residents were investigated,including 61 men and 61 women,with an average age of (71.3 ± 3.8) years.Appendicular skeletal muscle index (ASMI) was (6.39 ±0.47) in men and (4.94 ±0.38) in women.The average of daily protein,vitamin E,vitamin C and iron intake met the dietary reference intakes (DRIs).Daily energy intake accounted for 80% of DRIs,but the average intakes of calcium in men and women only met 59.7% and 57.7% of DRIs,respectively.Intakes of vegetable and meats were (344.3 ± 150.3) and (100.2 ±67.8) g/d in men,and (352.9 ± 154.1) and (79.8 ±49.4) g/d in women,which were sufficient.Intakes of fruit,milk and soy bean products were lower than the DRIs.Intakes of fruits were (137.7± 110.9) g/d in men and (121.6 ±62.7) g/d in women.Intakes of milk were (45.6±60.6) g/d in men and (61.0 ±69.0) g/d in women.Intakes of soy bean products in men and women were (17.4 ±31.4) and (17.1 ±33.8) g/wk,respectively.Conclusion The intakes of dietary protein were sufficient,but milk,soy bean products and fruits were insufficient in the elderly with low muscle mass in Guangzhou City.Their dietary structure should be improved to maintain appropriate skeletal muscle mass.