在室内利用不同颜色的饲养容器,对异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)生长发育、体长体重变化及繁殖能力进行了比较研究。结果显示:不同环境颜色条件对异色瓢虫幼虫各龄历期均有显著影响;尽管蛹期受不同颜色影响显著,但其总胚后发育期在各处理间差异不显著。异色瓢虫1龄和2龄幼虫体长增量在不同颜色处理间无显著差异,但3龄幼虫在红色条件下体长增量显著小于其余各处理。不同环境颜色条件下异色瓢虫各虫期体重增量均有显著差异,而4龄幼虫体重增量在各处理中均显著大于其余各虫期,并占总胚后发育期体重增量的50%以上。异色瓢虫成虫的交配持续时间在各处理间无显著差异,但其产卵前期在黄色及绿色条件下显著小于其余各处理。其首堆产卵量在各处理间无显著差异,但在红色及自然光下的48h累计产卵量均显著小于其余处理。
The growth, development, body weight and reproductive capacity of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), a dominant species of Harmonia axyridis, were comparatively studied by using different colored feeding containers indoors. The results showed that different color conditions had significant effects on the larvae of different stages of C. elegans. Although the pupal stage was significantly affected by different colors, the differences in total embryo development were not significant among treatments. There was no significant difference in body length increment between the first instar and the second instar larvae of C. heterophylla in different color treatments, but the increment of body length of the third instar larvae in the red condition was significantly less than that of the other treatments. Under different environmental color conditions, the weight gain of C. heterochina was significantly different at each stage, while the weight gain of 4th instar larvae was significantly greater than that of the other stages in all treatments, above 50. There was no significant difference in copulation duration between adults of Harmonia axyridis, but their pre-spawning period was significantly less than that of the other treatments under yellow and green conditions. There was no significant difference in the first fecundity between the treatments, but the cumulative fecundity at 48h under red and natural light was significantly less than that of the other treatments.