自觉掌握价值规律 坚持搞好价格改革

来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:epslon111
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价格问题是当前的一个热门话题,众说纷纭,忧心忡忡。因此,澄清一些认识问题是非常重要的。这几年由于物价上涨较多,人民生活受到一定影响,部分城市居民的生活水平有所下降。对此,固然应该引起高度重视予以解决。但同时也应该清醒地看到,我国历史上积累下来的价格问题很多,农副产品和初级工业产品的价格长期偏低,价格体系很不合理。对这种不合理的价格体系,如不进行改革,既不利于产品结构的合理调整,使国民经济能够协调增长,又不利于社会生产力的发展。在旧的经济体制下,经济运行主要是通过国民经济计划和国家统一制定的计划价格去实现,并且运用行政手段和财政补贴的办法,控制价格水平的波动,这也就制约了价格体系的合理化。在社会主义有计划的商品经济条件下,经济运行必须自觉依据和运用价值规律。价值规律主要是通过价格的作用去引导生产、流通和消费。但我们长期形成的观念,还不适应商品经济的要求,对价值规律的运用还不够自觉。目前,各项经济体制的改革,都联系着价格体系的改革,都要求有合理的 Price issue is a hot topic at present, with different opinions and worries. Therefore, it is very important to clarify some awareness problems. In recent years, with the soaring prices, the people’s livelihood has been affected to some extent, and the living standards of some urban residents have declined. In this regard, although it should be given high priority to be resolved. At the same time, however, we should also clearly see that there are many problems in the history of our country. The prices of agricultural and sideline products and primary industrial products have been on the low side for a long time, and the price system is very unreasonable. If such an unreasonable price system is not carried out, it will not be conducive to a reasonable adjustment of the product mix and will enable the national economy to grow in a coordinated manner and not conducive to the development of social productive forces. Under the old economic system, the economic operation is mainly realized through the planned prices set by the national economic plan and the state reunification, and the use of administrative means and financial subsidies to control the fluctuation of the price level, which also restricts the rationalization of the price system . Under the socialist planned commodity economy, economic operation must be consciously based on and apply the law of value. The law of value is mainly to guide the production, circulation and consumption through the role of price. However, our long-established concept does not meet the requirements of the commodity economy and the application of the law of value is not yet conscious. At present, the reform of all economic systems is linked with the reform of the price system and all require a reasonable
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在一次聚会上,一群女人围在一起大谈驭夫经。  一位干练的美女侃侃而谈:“我告诉我老公,你找个漂亮的,她没有我能干;你找个能干的,她不如我漂亮;你找个年轻的,她没有我那么理解你;你找个理解你的,她不如我对你好……综合来看,我就是这个世界上你能找到的最好的女人,没有谁整体上比我更适合你了。”一干听众频频点头,颇为受教。  我当时暗自琢磨,她这应该是驭夫术中的“洗脑法”与“以己之长攻彼之短”法的综合运用
日白日,J,尸j曰商品名称市场规格及价格条件单位2002年 8月2002年 7月2001年 8月 8月土%。七上月{。七上年同期大米含碎25%,FOB曼谷美元/公吨175.00177.83149.57一1 .5917.01