
来源 :海南医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:opp2781062
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海南省历史上是著名的高疟区,抗疟前疟疾遍布全省农村,8种按蚊查获疟原虫自然感染,4种人疟原虫均有发现,居民原虫率山区74%,丘陵区34%,平原区12%。1959年开始全面抗疟,采取杀虫剂滞留喷洒灭蚊为主,经过30多年的防治,疟区已大面积缩小,疟疾发病率由1955年的1036.5/万降至1992年的11.5/万,成效卓著。目前疟疾分布局限于山区和一些近山丘陵区,以大劣按蚊为主要媒介,存在灶点和上山感染是其流行特征;次要媒介为微小按蚊,常可引起外来人群和新建居民点的点状暴发;平原区已无疟疾发生。全省每年约有4万疟疾病例,其中1/3病例为抗氯喹恶性疟,防治技术难题尚未完全解决,疟疾仍然是全省需要优先解决的公共卫生问题之一。 Hainan Province is well-known history of high malaria area, antimalarial malaria throughout the province’s rural areas, eight Anopheles mosquitoes were found in natural infection, four kinds of human Plasmodium were found, the resident parasite rate of 74% in mountainous areas, 34% , Plain area 12%. In 1959, the government began a full-scale anti-malaria treatment and pesticide spill-spraying and mosquito control. After more than 30 years of prevention and treatment, the malaria area has been reduced to a large area. The incidence of malaria dropped from 1036.5 / million in 1955 to 11.5 / Outstanding results. At present, the distribution of malaria is limited to mountainous areas and some hilly areas. Anopheles anopheles is the main medium, and the presence of foci and upriver infection are its epidemiological characteristics. The minor medium is Anopheles minimus, which can often lead to alien populations and new settlements Point-like outbreaks; no malaria occurred in the plains. About 40,000 cases of malaria are reported in the province each year, of which one third of the cases are resistant to chloroquine and Plasmodium falciparum. The technical problems of prevention and treatment have not yet been fully solved. Malaria is still one of the public health problems that the province needs to give priority to.
王泉根:北京师范大学文学院教授,博士生导师儿童阅读是孩子成长中比较重要的一部分。对于各方面都不是很成熟的孩子来说,有了父母和老师适时的指导,才可能让孩子从阅 Wang Q
概述了文献概念的演变过程;通过对古今学者不同文献观的分析,从文献内容的信息性、符号的识别性、载体的固态性、形态的呈现性四大基本要素的构成揭示了文献的本质属性。 Summ
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