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马克思劳动价值理论是剩余价值理论创立的基础,也是理解马克思主义政治经济学的关键。讲好马克思劳动价值理论,首先要理清劳动价值理论从英国资产阶级古典政治经济学到马克思主义政治经济学的发展脉络及二者的异同,其次要系统阐释构成马克思劳动价值理论的核心范畴及结构层次,再次要紧密跟踪马克思劳动价值理论研究的最新动态。 The Marxist theory of labor value is the foundation of the theory of surplus value creation and also the key to understanding the political economy of Marxism. To stress Marx’s labor value theory, we must first clarify the development vein of labor theory of value from the classical bourgeois political economy in Britain to the Marxist political economy and the similarities and differences between the two. Secondly, we must systematically explain the core categories that constitute Marx’s labor theory of value and Structure level, once again closely follow the latest developments of Marxist theory of labor value.
随着大剂量免疫抑制剂、化疗药物以及广谱抗生素的应用,侵袭性念珠菌病(invasive candidiasis,IC)的发病率及死亡率在全球范围内迅速上升。因为缺乏特异性临床症状和快速有效