目的探讨绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-HCG)联合孕酮测定指导黄体支持治疗早期妊娠的影响。方法对我院2006年3月1日-2008年2月29日期间就诊的孕早期患者(包括复发性流产、重复性流产、生化妊娠),全部进行血中β-HCG与孕酮水平测定,选取尿妊娠试验阳性,血中β-HCG小于10~50 mIU/ml、孕酮水平低于30~60 nmol/L,而B超未发现子宫腔内有妊娠囊的140例患者,随机分为单、双号,单号作为治疗组,用黄体酮注射液+绒促性素治疗,双号作为对照组,采取卧床休息或中药保胎治疗,7 d一个疗程,第一疗程结束后复查血中β-HCG及孕酮水平,同时用B超监测胚胎发育情况。结果治疗组70例中63例继续妊娠至分娩,2例胚胎未发育,5例生化妊娠流产;对照组70例中41例继续妊娠,28例发展为难免流产,1例输卵管妊娠。结论妊娠早期采取动态观察β-HCG与孕酮的水平,指导黄体支持治疗,对于早期妊娠结局具有重要的临床价值,既避免不必要的药物干预及经济负担,同时提高保胎治疗的成功率。
Objective To investigate the effect of chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG) combined with progesterone determination on early pregnancy supported by corpus luteum. Methods The blood levels of β-HCG and progesterone in all the patients (including recurrent spontaneous abortion, recurrent spontaneous abortion and biochemical pregnancy) were analyzed in our hospital from March 1, 2006 to February 29, Select urine pregnancy test was positive, blood β-HCG was less than 10 ~ 50 mIU / ml, progesterone levels less than 30 ~ 60 nmol / L, and B did not find intrauterine gestational sac 140 patients were randomly divided into Single, double, single number as the treatment group, with progesterone injection + cashmere hormone treatment, double as the control group, to take bed rest or Chinese miscarriage treatment, 7 d a course of treatment, the first course of treatment after the review of blood Β-HCG and progesterone levels, while using B-ultrasound monitoring of embryonic development. Results Among the 70 cases in the treatment group, 63 cases continued the pregnancy to childbirth, 2 cases had undeveloped embryos and 5 cases had abortion. In the control group, 41 cases continued to have pregnancy, 28 cases developed unavoidable abortion and 1 case had tubal pregnancy. Conclusions The dynamic observation of the levels of β-HCG and progesterone in early pregnancy leads to the support of corpus luteum. It has important clinical value for early pregnancy outcome. It not only avoids unnecessary drug intervention and economic burden, but also improves the success rate of miscarriage treatment.