分析了Ad Hoc网络现有匿名路由协议的不足,提出了一个轻量级的,能提供良好匿名保护的基于反应式的源路由协议的匿名路由协议。该协议利用布隆过滤器实现了在ASR中定义的身份匿名、路由匿名和位置/拓朴匿名。它主要使用的是哈希运算,并在不破坏协议匿名性的前提下,通过控制路由请求包避免其在网络中传输时间过长而提高整个网络的效率。协议中建立起的匿名链路具有双向性,这也降低了匿名协议的耗费。仿真数据与分析证明了新协议的有效性与匿名性。
This paper analyzes the deficiency of the existing anonymous routing protocol in Ad Hoc network and proposes a lightweight anonymous routing protocol based on reactive source routing protocol which provides good anonymity protection. The protocol utilizes Bloom filters to implement identity anonymization, routing anonymization, and location / topology anonymization as defined in ASR. It mainly uses hashing, and improves the efficiency of the whole network by controlling the route request packet and avoiding the long transmission time in the network without destroying the agreement’s anonymity. The anonymous link established in the protocol is bi-directional, which also reduces the cost of anonymous protocols. Simulation data and analysis demonstrate the validity and anonymity of the new protocol.