在陆上3D地震勘探的设计中存在许多折衷方法,目的是获得某些受物理条件和经济条件约束的目标。就物理条件而言,我们提出用3D地震勘探设计来作为一种优化问题,找到一套最合适的采集参数来满足勘探目标。 我们选用的是美国陆上的一个实例。该例在设计之前已经通过计算确定了3D地震采集的目标值(Liner和Gobeli,1997;Stone,1994)。这些值包括共中心点覆盖次数、共反射面元大小、最大近炮检距和远炮检距。本文针对的是3D地震勘探设计。如果读者想了解实验的优化和设计等一般问题,请参考Maurer and Boerrer发表的论文(TLZ 1998年8月)。
There are many trade-offs in the design of terrestrial 3D seismic exploration in order to achieve certain objectives constrained by both physical and economic conditions. In terms of physical conditions, we propose to use 3D seismic exploration design as an optimization problem and find the most suitable acquisition parameters to meet the exploration objectives. We chose an instance of the United States on land. The example has been calculated by calculation to determine the target value for 3D seismic acquisition prior to design (Liner and Gobeli, 1997; Stone, 1994). These values include the number of co-center point coverage, the total reflectance bin size, the maximum near-offset and the far offsets. This article is for 3D seismic exploration design. If readers want to understand the general issues of optimization and design of experiments, see the paper by Maurer and Boerrer (TLZ August 1998).