Concentrations of disinfection by-products in swimming pool following modifications of the water tre

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The formation and concentration of disinfection by-products(DBPs) in pool water and the ambient air vary according to the type of water treatment process used. This exploratory study was aimed at investigating the short-term impact of modifications of the water treatment process on traditional DBP levels(e.g., trihalomethanes(THMs), chloramines) and emerging DBPs(e.g., Halonitromethanes, Haloketones, NDMA) in swimming pool water and/or air. A sampling program was carried to understand the impact of the following changes made successively to the standard water treatment process: activation of ultraviolet(UV)photoreactor, halt of air stripping with continuation of air extraction from the buffer tank,halt of air stripping and suppression of air extraction from the buffer tank, suppression of the polyaluminium silicate sulfate(PASS) coagulant. UV caused a high increase of Halonitromethanes(8.4 fold), Haloketones(2.1 fold), and THMs in the water(1.7 fold) and, of THMs in the air(1.6 fold) and contributed to reducing the level of chloramines in the air(1.6fold) and NDMA in the water(2.1 fold). The results highlight the positive impact of air stripping in reducing volatile contaminants. The PASS did not change the presence of DBPs, except for the THMs, which decrease slightly with the use of this coagulant. This study shows that modifications affecting the water treatment process can rapidly produce important and variable impacts on DBP levels in water and air and suggests that implementation of any water treatment process to reduce DBP levels should take into account the specific context of each swimming pool. The formation and concentration of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in pool water and the ambient air vary according to the type of water treatment process used. This exploratory study was aimed at investigating the short-term impact of modifications of the water treatment process on A sampling program was carried to understand the impact of the following changes made successively to (eg, Halimitromethanes, Haloketones, NDMA) in swimming pool water and / or air. the standard water treatment process: activation of ultraviolet (UV) photoreactor, halt of air stripping with continuation of air extraction from the buffer tank, halt of air stripping and suppression of air extraction from the buffer tank, suppression of the polyaluminium silicate sulfate (PASS UV caused a high increase of Halonitromethanes (8.4 fold), Haloketones (2.1 fold), and THMs in the water (1.7 fold) and, of THMs in the air (1.6 fold) a nd contributed to reducing the level of chloramines in the air (1.6fold) and NDMA in the water (2.1 fold). The results highlight the positive impact of air stripping in reducing volatile contaminants. The PASS did not change the presence of DBPs, except for the THMs, which decrease slightly with the use of this coagulant. This study shows that modifications affecting the water treatment process can rapidly produce important and variable impacts on DBP levels in water and air and suggests that implementation of any water treatment process to reduce DBP levels should take into account the specific context of each swimming pool.
目前,头颈部良、恶性肿瘤的主要治疗手段仍是外科手术切除.术后局部复发是手术治疗失败和影响患者预后的重要原因.术中完全彻底地切除肿瘤是减少术后肿瘤局部复发的首要因素,也是医患双方的共同愿望.现就头颈鳞癌外科安全手术切缘(surgical margins)的判定予以综述。
类白血病反应较少见,急性粟粒型肺结核(AMPT)可使该病发生。现将我院1970~1992年间AMPT引起的类白血病反应8例报告如下。 临床资料病例均为女性,年龄26~36岁,平均31.5岁。早孕3例,人工流产3例,产后2例。表现有不同程度发热,体温39~40 ℃,盗汗,全身疼痛,贫血,食欲不振。阴道流血6例,黄疸3例,关节酸痛7例,乏力、心悸4例,呼吸急促5例,腹痛4例,听诊心肺均无异常,胸骨压痛