舍伍德·安德森(Sherwood Anderson,1876—1941),美国20世纪的著名作家,被福克纳称为“我们这一代作家的父亲”。安德森以短篇小说而闻名,他1919年发表的成名作《小城畸人》塑造了一系列怪异的畸人形象,一共包括25个独立又相关的短篇,其中的《曾经沧海》[1]更是令人过目难忘的经典名篇。它讲述了一个怪异的实则是精神饱受创伤的老姑娘艾丽斯爱情幻灭的故事。这篇小说体现了作者高超的创作技巧,本文拟从艺术特色和主题分析两个方面来看它的创作特点。
Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941), a famous American writer of the 20th century, was described by Faulkner as “the father of the writers of our generation.” Anderson is best known for his short stories. His famed 1969 masterpiece, The Tomb of the City, created a series of weird images of freaks, including a total of 25 separate and relevant short stories, of which “Once Upon a Time in the Sea” was even more impressive Memorable classics. It tells a weird but in reality is the story of the traumatized old girl Alice love disillusionment. This novel reflects the author’s superb creative skills, this article from the artistic characteristics and thematic analysis of two aspects of its creative features.