
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenqianwq
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目的研究讨论胃上部癌行全胃切除与近端胃切除的临床疗效对比与意义。方法选取本院外科胃上部癌患者100例,其中50例采用全胃切除术治疗,50例采用近端胃切除术治疗,分别对两组患者治疗后并发症发生情况、手术后生存率以及术后恢复情况进行评估。结果两组患者治疗后并发症发生率比较显示行全胃切除术患者并发症发生率显著低于近端胃切除术患者(P<0.05);治疗后癌灶大小与患者生存率比较显示癌灶>3 cm与<3 cm治疗后1年生存率无较大差异(P>0.05);治疗后3~5年全胃切除术生存率显著较高(P<0.05)。恢复情况比较显示治疗后近端胃切除术患者各项恢复指标优于全胃切除术组患者(P<0.05)。结论胃上部癌要根据肿瘤的大小,分期,采取合理的手术方式,全胃切除术可降低术后相关并发症,改善生活质量,提高生存率,临床疗效更为确切。 Objective To study the clinical efficacy and significance of total gastrectomy and proximal gastrectomy in upper gastric cancer. Methods 100 cases of upper gastric cancer in our hospital were selected, of which 50 cases were treated by total gastrectomy and 50 cases were treated by proximal gastrectomy. The incidence of postoperative complications, postoperative survival rate, Post-recovery assessment. Results The complication rates of two groups of patients after treatment showed that the incidence of complications in patients undergoing total gastrectomy was significantly lower than that in patients underwent proximal gastrectomy (P <0.05). After treatment, the size of the foci and the survival rate of the patients showed foci The survival rates of one year after operation> 3 cm and <3 cm were not significantly different (P> 0.05). The survival rate of total gastrectomy 3 and 5 years after operation was significantly higher (P <0.05). Comparison of recovery showed that the recovery indexes of proximal gastrectomy patients were better than that of total gastrectomy patients (P <0.05). Conclusion According to the tumor size and staging, the upper gastric cancer should be treated reasonably. Total gastrectomy can reduce postoperative complications, improve the quality of life and increase the survival rate. The clinical effect is more accurate.
Abstract: Through combining with Xinjiang network development programming, the level of electric power energy development in different district and the differences of regional advantage energy etc.,th
摘要:本文主要结合自己多年的实际工作经验,阐述市政项目工程中的管理要点,论述了在市政项目建设过程中,管理者应充分利用好项目、社会等各方面的有利条件,抓住机遇, 狠抓管理, 实现质量、效益双丰收,经过实际工程中得不断验证,优化项目管理方法是提高工作效率的必然途径。  关键词:市政项目管理 优化     1、项目管理的发展趋势  1.1专业化发展的趋势  项目管理的广泛应用体现了项目管理的向专业化方向
摘要:产业空间布局合理与否影响着区域经济发展,抚顺市城区产业布局虽然已成规模,但存在着各区产业趋同、缺乏协调、产业区位优势不明显、缺乏产业纵深及导向不明显等不足。通过明确定位、发展重点、布局模式选择以及政府支持等可以优化产业空间布局。  关键词:抚顺市城区;产业空间布局;优化  前言  产业空间布局指生产要素、主要产业在一定地域空间的优化组合,是经济建设中具有长远性和全局性的战略问题。 产业空间布