黄芥子为十字花科植物芥Brassica juncea(L.)Czern.et Coss.的干燥成熟种子,具有温肺豁痰利气、散结通络止痛之功效。化学成分与药理研究表明,以芥子碱为代表的生物碱类成分是其有效部位之一,《中华人民共和国药典》采用HPLC法对芥子碱含量进行了控制。本文首次采用酸性染料比色法,以主要有效成分芥子碱硫氰酸盐为对照品,建立黄芥子中总生物碱的含量测定方法,为进一步全
Yellow mustard cruciferous mustard Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.et Coss. Dry mature seeds, with warm lungs phlegm, Sanjie Tongluo analgesic effect. Chemical composition and pharmacological studies have shown that the alkaloids represented by sinapine is one of its effective parts, “People’s Republic of China Pharmacopoeia” using the HPLC method of sinapine content was controlled. In this paper, the first time using acid dye colorimetric method, the main active ingredient mustard alkali thiocyanate reference substance, the determination of the total alkaloids content in the yellow mustard seed for further