音乐会往往都进场后找座位,看表演,仿佛没有什么创新。可1992年12月14日晚,广州文艺场馆却别出心裁隆重推出了1993情人音乐会。 情侣们双手持标价“138元”(一生发)的门票步入门厅时,笑容可掬的迎宾小姐立刻递上绢制胸花和情人节贺卡。大堂正中,一座转盘托着93根闪烁的红烛,平添了一份温馨和浪漫的情调。在大堂的一角“免费合影”招牌前,情侣们留下了一份永恒的回忆。
The concerts tend to find seats after entering the stadium, watching performances, as if there is no innovation. May 1992, the evening of December 14, Guangzhou literary venues but deliberately launched a 1993 lover concert. Couples holding the price of both hands “138 yuan” (a hair) tickets into the hall, smiling welcome lady immediately handed silk corsage and Valentine’s Day greeting cards. In the lobby, a turntable holding 93 flashing red candles, adding a warm and romantic atmosphere. Lovers left an eternal memory before the free photo at the corner of the lobby.