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2004年4月14日晚,河南省登封市公安局局长任长霞不幸遭遇车祸,经抢救无效后牺牲,留给人们无尽的哀思和怀念。投身公安战线21年,任长霞先后获得全国“五一”劳动奖章、中国“十大女杰”、全国优秀人民警察等数十项光荣称号。她以其坚定的信念、卓越的才干和对公安事业的无比忠诚,谱写了壮丽的篇章,生动诠释了“立警为公、执法为民”的精髓。5月22日至29日,由中宣部、公安部、全国妇联等单位组织的中央新闻采访团赶赴河南登封。我作为采访团成员之一,有幸来到英雄生前曾经生活过和战斗过的土地上,寻访英雄的足迹,探觅英雄成长的轨迹——这是一次永远无法与主人公直接面对面交流的采访。这是一次时刻涌动着感动和敬意、泪水和震撼的采访。这一次采访召唤我们—— On the night of April 14, 2004, Ren Changxia, director of Dengfeng Municipal Public Security Bureau of Henan Province, unfortunately suffered a car accident and died after being rescued. It left people with endless grief and memories. Joined the public security front for 21 years, Ren Changxia has won the national “May 1” labor medal, China’s “Top Ten”, the National Excellent People’s Police dozens of glorious titles. With her firm conviction, outstanding talent and unparalleled loyalty to the public security undertaking, she wrote a magnificent chapter vividly annotating the essence of “establishing a police force for the public and enforcing the law for the people.” From May 22 to 29, a central news gathering delegation organized by the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Public Security and the All-China Women’s Federation rushed to Dengfeng, Henan. As a member of the delegation, I am fortunate enough to come to the land where my hero lived and fought. I sought the footsteps of the heroes and searched for the path of heroic growth. This was an interview that I could never meet directly with the heroine. This is a moment of touching and respect, tears and shocking interview. This interview summoned us -
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