什么是领导力?无论是在企业界还是在学术界,这都是个热门的话题。“领导是每一个人都可以做的事情。一个人,不管是男人还是女人、不管是老人还是年轻人都可以具有领导力。很多平凡的人,都可以干成不平凡的事情。”刚打开话匣,詹姆斯·库泽斯教授就道出了他对领导力的独到见解。在中国大饭店20层的房间里,到访的圣克拉拉大学列维商学院教授詹姆斯·库泽斯( JamesKouzes)先生身着西装,一丝不苟地打着领带。他的衣着正如他的研究一样严谨,给人非常认真的印象。
What is Leadership? This is a hot topic in business and academia. “Leadership is something that everybody can do.A man, whether a man or a woman, whether old or young, can have leadership.Many ordinary people can do extraordinary things.” " Just opened the chat box, Professor James Kucusi revealed his unique insights on leadership. In the 20th floor of the China World Hotel, Mr. James Kouzes, a professor at the Levi School of Business at Santa Clara University, was wearing a suit and meticulously dressed in a tie. His dress is just as rigorous as his research, giving a very serious impression.