慢性骨髓炎合并窦道癌变者少见,引起大片溶骨和血管破裂大出血者更少,现将我院收治一例报告如下: 患者女,49岁,住院号19207。三十年前,因摔伤左小腿出现红肿,三个月破溃,流脓水诊断为慢性骨髓炎。去年三月瘘道口处大片溃烂并奇臭,有时排出碎骨块。近三日内创面两次大出血,1984年4月10日急诊收入院。 入院时,体温36.4℃、脉搏132次/分,血压50/40mmHg,面苍白肢凉,呼吸表浅,左小腿中上段外侧可见12×7cm凹陷型溃疡面,肉芽呈小结节状,暗红色,表面有白色脓汁并奇臭,
Chronic osteomyelitis with sinus cancer is rare, causing a large number of large-scale osteolytic and vascular rupture hemorrhage less, now a case report of our hospital was treated as follows: The patient female, 49 years old, hospital number 19207. Thirty years ago, due to a fall in the left leg, he developed redness and swelling in three months. He was diagnosed as chronic osteomyelitis with pus. In March last year, at the mouth of the Dao Dao, there was a large area of fester and stinks, sometimes smashing bone fragments. In the last three days, there were two major bleedings on the wound surface. On April 10th, 1984, the hospital was admitted to the emergency department. On admission, the body temperature was 36.4°C, pulse rate was 132 beats/min, blood pressure was 50/40 mmHg, pale limbs were cool, and the breathing was superficial. The outer side of the left lower leg showed a 12×7 cm depression type ulcer, and the granulation showed a small nodule. , The surface has white pus and stinks,