火热的岁月,浓浓的情;铁打 的营盘,流水的兵。 1999年11月29日,当绚丽的朝阳在东方的地平线上冉冉升起时,上海市消防总队1110名消防战士却在一片欢声锣鼓中,告别了自己热恋的第二故乡,踏上了归乡的征程。 老兵走了,一个个动人的故事却
Fiery years, thick love; iron barbarians, running soldiers. November 29, 1999, when the glorious sunrise in the horizon of the East rises slowly, the Shanghai Fire Brigade 1110 fire fighters in a gongs and cheers, bid farewell to their love of the second hometown, set foot on the hometown The journey. Veterans go, one by one moving story