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目前,12.7毫米到60毫米中口径弹药又成为战场新宠,这主要因为它们威力适中、易于部队携带机动。特别是随着电子技术发展,各种电子器件小型化的水平提高,原来只能用在较大口径车载武器上的技术已能普及到中口径武器上,从而提高了精度、威力和灵活性,填补了单兵小口径枪械与火箭推进武器(例如火箭弹或导弹)之间的火力空白。据报道,美国军工企业的目标是把制导系统装到12.7毫米机枪弹上,同时希望能在60毫米迫击炮弹乃至40毫米榴弹上集成中段 At present, 12.7mm to 60mm medium caliber ammunition have become the new favorite in the battlefield, mainly because of their modest power and ease of mobility. Especially with the development of electronic technology, the miniaturization of various electronic devices has been enhanced. The original technology, which can only be used on larger-caliber vehicle-mounted weapons, has been popularized to medium-caliber weapons, thus improving accuracy, power and flexibility. Filled the firepower gap between individual small-caliber firearms and rocket-propelled weapons such as rockets or missiles. It is reported that the goal of U.S. military enterprises is to equip the guidance system with 12.7 mm machine-gun bullets, and at the same time hope to integrate the middle section with 60-mm mortar shells and even 40-mm grenades
位置隐蔽,整体生存性强  核潜艇位置不固定,因此敌人很难对潜艇准确定位,也就无从谈起对其实施打击。在冷战时期,美国和苏联都开发了众多的反潜技术以搜寻对方的水下核力量,但效果都不是很明显。目前比较可靠的反潜手段是在水下建立投放“线列水听器网”或利用拖船布设“拖曳式线列水听器”,并配合“声呐浮标”来搜集潜艇巡逻区内的水声资料,利用拖船或中继卫星将数据传送到地面大型计算站解算,利用这些数据交叉定位,可以