It has been three years since I started working part time. My first job is to do customer service on a bidding website. Take the hourly wage, 10 per hour, is the highest salary of students. The thing to do is to answer a wide variety of customer questions, online or in the real world. Encounter a variety of people, some professional someone amateur, someone just boring to find someone to speak it. Part-time jobs for college students like me are often sent to the company’s point of contact, nominally customer service, and actually a site promoter. At that Shanghai’s largest computer mall, where there was a daily maximum decibel sound mixing machine sounds on the ground floor games floor and ground floor malls, it was strange to me how I was able to stay in that noise for 10 hours without being crazy. Can not see the outside of the cloudy day and night, there is a totally enclosed environment, but usually go into the sky when it comes out, it is already full of stars. Work is not very hard, when I was free to listen to my colleagues say meat segment, and then two people are often out of touch with laughed, more often because of the people know nothing about the computer dumbfounding. Impressively, there was a middle-aged woman who ran and picked up the mouse and rolled it on the screen. She thought the mouse was like that, and I almost did not faint. There are two in school