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一、稀硝酸跟铜反应的学生实验的改进铜和稀硝酸反应的学生实验,按课本209页中的装置去做,因为园底烧瓶体积较大,上部空的较多,所以,生成的一氧化氮易和烧瓶中的空气里的氧气作用生成红棕色二氧化氮,这样就出现了消耗药品多、实验时间长、实验现象不明显等弊处,故将此实验中的烧瓶改为中试管较好,也可在浓硝酸和铜反应的基础上,向试管中逐滴加水到产生的无色气体在试管口变红为止。二、无水氯化钙吸收氨气课本第40页讲氨的实验室制法时,用氯化铵和氢氧化钙进行制氨气的演示实验,生成物有氯化钙,而下面介绍制干燥氨气所用 First, the student experiment of dilute nitric acid and copper reaction to improve copper and dilute nitric acid reaction student experiments, according to the textbook 209 pages to do, because the round bottom flask is larger, the upper empty more, so the resulting one Nitric oxide easily reacts with the oxygen in the air in the flask to produce red-brown nitrogen dioxide. This leads to defects such as the consumption of many drugs, long experimental time, and inconspicuous experimental phenomena. Therefore, the flask in this experiment is changed to a test tube. Preferably, on the basis of the reaction of concentrated nitric acid and copper, water is added dropwise to the test tube until the resulting colorless gas turns red at the test tube mouth. II. Absorption of Ammonia by Anhydrous Calcium Chloride Textbook Page 40 In the laboratory method of ammonia, ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide are used for the demonstration experiment of ammonia production. The product contains calcium chloride. Dry ammonia