我院曾遇到二例胎儿宫内啼哭,现报道如下。例1.28岁,幼儿园教师。初孕28周时,即1969年10月12日下午于办公室休息,突然听到胎儿在宫内啼哭3~4声,同室其他人也能听到啼哭声,并误认为入室的小青蛙叫,当时室内寻找无所发现。随后胎儿再次于宫内啼哭十余声,同室人们才恍然大悟,当时孕妇极为恐惧,速来院求医。住院后于11月2日和11月28日都听到胎儿啼哭数声,近似小猫或青蛙叫声,较为清楚,有如蒙被内之叫声,并一次较一次清楚,啼哭声似小猫叫且无回声。于12月18日自然分娩一女婴,Apgar 评分9分,体重3100g。分娩后羊水及胎
My courtyard has encountered two cases of intrauterine crying, are reported below. Example 1.28 years old, kindergarten teacher. 28 weeks of the first trimester, that is, the afternoon of October 12, 1969 in the office to rest, I suddenly heard the fetus crying in the palace 3 to 4 voices, other people in the same room can hear the crying sound and mistakenly admitted into the room as a small frog called, At that time indoors looking for nothing to find. Then the fetus once again crying more than ten voices in the womb, the same room people suddenly realized, when pregnant women were extremely scared, speed to hospital for treatment. After hospitalization on November 2 and November 28 have heard the sound of the baby crying, similar to a kitten or frog cry, more clearly, as the inner Mongolia is called, and once more clearly, crying like a kitten Called and no echo. On December 18 a natural childbirth baby, Apgar score 9 points, weight 3100g. Amniotic fluid and childbirth after delivery