利用Gleeble3500热模拟试验机进行材料的高速(应变速率大于1 s-1)试验时,由于采用的stroke模式导致速率偏离目标速率以及塑性功转化热在短时间内散发不出去,使试样温度偏离设置温度、材料变形偏离目标变形条件。为构建材料真实变形条件下的本构方程,通过分析速率及温升与应变之间的关系,在传统本构方程的基础上构建了带有速率修正和温度弹跳的本构方程模型。结果表明,修正后的本构方程具有较高的预测精度。
Using the Gleeble Model 3500 Thermal Simulation Machine for high-speed (strain rate> 1 s-1) tests, the sample temperature was deviated due to the stroke pattern that caused the rate to deviate from the target rate and the plastic work heat of transformation was not dissipated in a short period of time Set the temperature, the material deformation deviate from the target deformation conditions. In order to construct the constitutive equation under the real deformation condition of the material, the constitutive equation model with rate correction and temperature bounce was constructed on the basis of the traditional constitutive equation by analyzing the relationship between velocity and temperature rise and strain. The results show that the modified constitutive equation has high prediction accuracy.