The Application of Situational Teaching Method in the Secondary Vocational English Reading Teaching

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  ◆摘  要:Situational teaching method is applied commonly in English teaching, which has been proved to be effective in every aspect of English ability cultivation. A lot of scholars both in china and abroad studied this field, and put forward some useful suggestions. But still to nowadays, the research of situational approach in English teaching mainly focuses on primary and secondary schools or college classrooms, few studies take English reading classroom in secondary vocational schools as the object. This essay, bases on the theoretical basis of situational teaching method, takes secondary vocational students as the research object to probe a set of scientific and effective situational teaching methods suitable for the secondary vocational school English reading teaching.
  ◆關键词:situational teaching method; secondary vocational school; English reading
  Situational teaching method is to create a kind of colourful and lively scene in the teaching process according to the teaching purpose and teaching content, to stimulate students’ learning enthusiasm, and through the analysis and solution of problems, to improve the students’ thinking ability and practice ability, so as to realize the teaching goal. Its core is to arouse students’ emotional experience. In this teaching mode, teachers play a leading role in guiding students to read actively and think actively under the best teaching situation so as to understand and absorb the teaching content.
  The application of situational teaching method in the English reading class of secondary vocational schools can stimulate students' interest in English reading and improve the teaching effect. It could set an intuitionistic scene in class. Students in the scene, are affected by the surrounding learning atmosphere, will unconsciously produce the learning interest, thus learn new knowledge. Based on the theoretical basis of situational teaching method, the author takes secondary vocational students as the research object, randomly selects two classes as experimental class and control class for long-term experimental comparison in the secondary vocational school, and analyzes the existing problems in the English reading teaching in secondary vocational schools by using the relevant psychology and pedagogy theories of situational teaching. Thus sums up a set of scientific and effective situational teaching methods suitable for the secondary vocational school English reading teaching.
  1Remove the obstacle of new words and warm up the topic   The purpose of reading class is to train students' reading ability, to improve students' reading skills and enhance their reading comprehension ability through reading training, so as to learn and master the language knowledge carried by the discourse. However, in order to improve the reading ability and level more effectively and help students understand the article more quickly and accurately, it is very necessary to carry out appropriate vocabulary teaching and warm up the topic of the article before the formal teaching. For those difficult words in terms of students' cognitive level, which are difficult for students to guess the meaning according to the context. Or for the key words in the reading article, appropriate methods can be taken to deal with them before class. According to the characteristics of words and their necessity in the reading material, the appropriate methods can be used flexibly.
  1.1Use pictures to help students learn vocabulary
  For some words, it is more difficult to adapt to the students' cognitive level of vocabulary by using other words to explain them. Teacher can borrow pictures to help teaching. For example, when teach the words wallet and computer, it is very difficult to interpret them in English, because the interpretation may be more difficult than the original word, and the interpretation in Chinese will lose the characteristics of English vocabulary learning. If the pictures are used to help the interpretation, it will be a good effect, and the effect of learning and memory will be more strengthened. wallet can be learned with a physical wallet, while computer can be learned with a picture of a computer.
  1.2Use context to suggest the meaning of words
  Put the difficult words in the simple sentence or those sentences which are close to the students' cognitive level, let the students infer the meaning of the words, so that the students will have a deep impression on the use of those words. For example, the abstract adverb actually is difficult to explain its meaning in English, and the teaching of such abstract words cannot achieve good results with the help of pictures. But teachers can use context method to solve the problem before reading.
  1.3Use words-guessing games to help students learn words
  The words-guessing game can be used before reading, or can be designed to be a special session. The methods of words-guessing game commonly used in class are solitaire, reciting the words and guessing the meaning of words, which have obvious effects on students' understanding of the meaning of words. For example, we can ask one group of students to say “Solitaire” in Chinese and another group of students to say “Solitaire” in English, and then exchange the form to consolidate the meaning. Students can be divided into two groups, and then tell the Chinese meaning of the words. The group with the highest correct rate will win. Memorizing vocabulary through the process of games can make the learning process more relaxed and enjoyable, and enhance students' interest in learning.   1.4Fill in the blanks with new words
  The teacher rewrites the text and designs some blanks. Let the students fill in the blanks with the appropriate new words of the unit. This activity is mainly used in the post-reading activity, sometimes used to check the effect of students' preparation of new words, but also can achieve the purpose of previewing the topic of the article.
  2Make clear objectives of task and set pre-read questions
  In the teaching of English reading in secondary vocational schools, it is an effective way to train students' reading ability and to guide students to understand articles in three steps: skimming, intensive reading and peruse. Before each reading step, the teacher must make clear the reading objective with the students and set the corresponding pre-reading questions.
  2.1 Skimming is to let students quickly scan the full text, clear the context of the article, understand the general idea of the article. The reading at this stage focuses on developing students' fast reading comprehension skills, which are mostly suitable for three-paragraph articles. Through skimming, students can grasp the writing intention and main idea of the article from the short beginning and end of the paragraph.
  2.2 Intensive reading is to guide the students to understand the text as a whole, solve the problem of language knowledge at the same time, grasp the details of the text and the topic sentence, and guess the meaning of the new words. In English reading, students often encounter some difficult words, which often cause obstacles to students' reading comprehension. At this time, it is necessary for teachers to inspire students to guess the meaning of the words according to the context and some word-formation skills. At this stage, the teacher can set questions about a sentence, a paragraph or a detail and a fact in the article to help students digest the content of the article.
  2.3 Perusal is to read the article carefully and understand it in detail. It requires students to grasp the key points, difficulties and doubts of the article. At this stage, the teacher should preset the reading objectives for the students, and guide the students to observe and extract the specific details and information closely related to the topic of the article. For example, the teacher may list several events according to the plot of the article and ask the students to figure out the correct sequence of development of the story.   3Create a reasonable situation and give play to students' imagination
  The key to the success of situational teaching method in the English reading class of secondary vocational schools is to create a reasonable situation in the reading process and stimulate students' reading interest. While reading, integrating into the situation related to the reading topic is conducive to mobilize students’ enthusiasm and give full play to their imagination, then guide students to communicate with each other to summarize the reading content, and grasp the theme of the article. The context creation of secondary vocational reading class can be completed in the following ways.
  3.1 Use physical objects to represent the situation
  If you want to learn English well, you need to fully mobilize the mouth, ears, eyes and brain, through all-round perception of the learning object so as to improve the practical application ability of English. The basic requirement of situational teaching method is to make the learning object can be heard, seen and touched by students. The more students fully perceive the learning object by using various senses, the better learning results will be achieved. Therefore, teachers can use real physical objects to do the explanation of some new words and the learning content in English reading teaching.
  3.2 Use multimedia to create a situation
  With the rapid development of internet technology, the application of computer aided instruction in classroom teaching is more and more extensive. In the teaching of English reading class of secondary vocational school, teachers can design and make multimedia courseware according to the teaching content, and visually convey the reading content to students through computer multimedia methods such as sound, picture and video. Such vivid and illustrated scenes have great appeal to students, stimulate the enthusiasm of students to learn English, make students with a relaxed and happy mood to receive language knowledge, and can fully stimulate the imagination and understanding of students, greatly improve the teaching effect of English reading.
  3.3 Experience the situation through role-play
  Role-play is a kind of practical and strong practicability teaching activities. According to the content and teaching objectives of the article, teachers can create the familiar simulation scene before reading, and let students to represent the scene in the story with rich language and image by acting as scenes of different characters. The creation of role-play situation can fully mobilize students' learning enthusiasm, stimulate their awareness of participation, deepen their understanding and grasp of the reading content, and help to cultivate students' English learning ability.
  In the English reading class of secondary vocational schools, teachers should break through the traditional “indoctrination” teaching method actively, make efforts in the context setting, and adopt the above teaching methods to achieve better teaching results.
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◆摘 要:如今教育改革逐渐推进,现代教育中,班级管理长期以来都是中职教育中一项极为重要的内容。在中职教育中,更是因为学生的特殊性,人们对班主任综合素养和其所采取的管理方式提出了更高要求。另外,加之教育体制的深化改革,如何从时代发展的角度出发,加强对学生的有效管理,成了许多中职班主任重点关注的问题。因此,本文着重分析了现阶段中职班主任班级管理中所出现的各种问题,并提出相关解决对策,希望能够对教育工作
◆摘 要:初中阶段的语文教学逐渐引导学生阅读名著,因为这时学生已经具有基本的阅读能力,可以完成名著的阅读,但是因为名著本身的经典性和复杂性,学生的阅读经验又较少,在新课标要求下,对于名著整本书的阅读提出更高要求,本文主要对初中名著整本书阅读的指导策略进行研究,以期为初中语文阅读教学提供借鉴和参考。  ◆关键词:初中名著;整本书;阅读  一、初中名著整本书阅读的现状  (一)学生阅读较为浅显  初中
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◆摘 要:在进行档案管理时,智能管理系统的合理构建具有重要的意义,相关工作人员通过合理应用现代智能设备和智能软件,可以对档案进行有效的分类,归档,保存和调阅,使其各项工作实现更高的自动化和智能化,进而确保更为高效的开展档案管理工作,对其信息资源进行更为有效的管理,本文综合探究对档案信息进行智能化管理的具体策略。  ◆关键词:智能化;档案;管理工作  煤矿企业在开展档案管理工作,智能化管理是现代科技
◆摘 要:文言文被纳入小学教材是教材编写的一个亮点,也是小学生学习的一个难点,更是小学语文教师教学的一个重点。学好文言丈不仅可以继承和发扬中华民族源远流长的传统文化,还可以陶冶情操。小学语文教材中文言文教學,是小学生了解祖国优秀文化和接受古典文化熏陶的一个重要平台,为了真正促进学生语文素养、语文学习能力的提升,探索“诵读学习法”的文言文教学方法,助学生掌握一定的解读文言文的方法,领会语言文字的精妙
◆摘 要:随着社会的发展,传统教育中的灌输法已经不再适合当今学生的发展,初中地理老师应该优化自己的教育理念,培养学生的学习兴趣,能够积极主动的学习。老师可以利用小组学习的模式来提高学生的课堂参与度,团结协作能力等,从而提高教学效率,这种小组学习模式,不仅可以优化课堂气氛,调动学生的上进心,还可以提升学生的核心素养。  ◆关键词:合作学习;初中地理;教学效率  孙权曾说道“能用众力,则无敌于天下矣;
◆摘 要:在高校工作中,辅导员思政工作与“两课教学”的融合成为全面提高教学效果的关键,在本次研究中,本文通过分析思政工作与高校“两课教学”融合的必要性展开分析后,详细介绍了辅导员思政工作与“两课教学”的融合方法,希望为指导高校辅导员教学提供支持。  ◆关键词:高校辅导员;思政工作;“两课教学”  两课是高校教育体系的重要组成部分,在提升学生综合素质、宣传先进文化思想中发挥着重要作用。在新形势下,为
◆摘 要:现在的小学生语文作业,好像除了抄生字就是读课文、背课文,一些学生经常在教师布置作业之前就已经猜到教师要布置的作业,并将其完成。布置作业的原有目的是为了帮助学生巩固课上的内容,以及预习下节课的内容,让学生在课下也可以进行学习,培养学生的自主学习能力。可这种机械、工具式的作业让其理想中的目的难以实现,反而引起了学生的普遍排斥。现在的小学生谈作业“色变”,将作业视为洪水猛兽,这对学生日后长期学
◆摘 要:21世纪以来,随着国内经济形势的发展和科学技术的进步,全球经济一体化趋势的到来,中国加入世贸组织,网络经济的兴起,人们的消费生活和贸易方式不断发展,日益多样化,这对消费领域产生了重要影响。所有这些都要求我们认真研究中国现行的保护消费者权益的法律制度,积极借鉴国外先进经验,突破原有的内容和领域,并进一步完善以满足中国保护消费者的实际需要。但是近年来,随着社会经济的不断发展,消费者权益保护的
◆摘 要:中等职业学生的心理和行为问题,例如自学技能差和专心程度不足。这些问题不仅对学生自身的健康发展产生重大影响,而且对学校教育和教学,尤其是德育教育也引起重大影响。麻烦更加明显。因此,班主任在高等德育的专业工作中起着至关重要的作用。专注于自己的职责,适当的方法和严格的爱心的班主任通常会在道德教育中取得更好的教学效果,并提高学生的整体道德水平。相反,学生的道德水平很难提高,有时由于不适当的道德教