膀胱内灌注卡介苗 (BCG)是目前预防膀胱肿瘤术后复发和治疗部分浅表性膀胱肿瘤的最佳免疫治疗方法[1] 。其免疫学机制主要是通过BCG激活膀胱黏膜免疫系统 ,产生以细胞免疫为主的免疫应答 ,逆转肿瘤局部Th2细胞占优势的免疫抑制状态 ,发挥杀瘤作用[2 ] ,但毒副作用大 ,许多患者
Intravesical inoculation BCG (BCG) is the best immunotherapy for the prevention of postoperative recurrence of bladder cancer and treatment of superficial bladder tumors [1]. Its immunological mechanism is mainly through the activation of the immune system of the bladder mucosa of BCG to produce a cellular immune-based immune response to reverse the local tumor Th2 predominantly immunosuppressive state, play a role in tumor killing [2], but the toxic side effects, many patient