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4月25日,今年以来第八次沙尘暴肆虐京城,室外飞沙走石,昏黄一片;而北京凯宾斯基饭店三层宴会厅却春意融融,一股吹自厦门的沁人心脾的空气将漫漫黄沙阻挡在外。匆匆赶来的人们拍落掉头发上、衣服上的尘土,尽情地感受着这股来自南方的Internet之风——中国频道(china Channel)自动域名系统新闻发布会在轻松热烈的气氛中进行着。随着会议渐入高潮,与会者也逐渐认识了这个规模不大、远在厦门,却做着互联网时代最前沿、最诱人的事情的公司。而吸引记者的却是这个公司的领头羊龚少晖的创业经历。近两年,入选我们杂志“风云人物榜”的有像张朝阳这样的留学海外、懂得硅谷创业规则、带着风险投资回国创业的创业者;也有80年代末就在中关村摸爬滚打、越滚越大的民族产业的代表王文京、求伯君等。我们的目的是把最具时代代表性的IT人物介绍给读者,让有同样创业欲望及创业精神的读者有所感悟,得到帮助。最近一个阶段网站如雨后春笋般出现,“风险投资”像其孪生兄弟一样与之相生相伴,媒体炒作也似乎更偏重这一方面。但能获得风险投资的创业者毕竟是凤毛麟角,更多的创业者靠着自身的一点启动资金起步,不断在滚动、在成长、在发展。说实话,我们更希望通过这样的创业故事去打动那些渴望成功的人,让他们在这样一条普通的创业道路上坚持、再坚持。也许,龚少晖的故事就具有这样的代表性。 April 25, this year the eighth sandstorm rampant the capital, outdoor Feishazoudang, dim a piece; and Beijing Kempinski Hotel, three-story banquet hall but spring melt, an air blowing from the breathtaking air in Xiamen will be long sand blocking the outside . People hurrying to shoot off the dust on their hair and clothes and feel the wind from the Internet in the South - China Channel's automatic domain name system press conference was held in a relaxed and lively atmosphere . As the conference climaxed, participants gradually came to know the company, which is small in size and far away from Xiamen, but the forefront and most attractive thing in the Internet age. The reporter is attracted to the company's leader Gong Shaohui entrepreneurial experience. In the past two years, selected our magazine “list of influential people” such as Zhang Chaoyang study abroad, know the rules of entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley, Venture Capital Venture Capital entrepreneurs; also the late 80s in Zhongguancun fought, more and more The larger representative of the national industry Wang Wenjing, Qiu Bojun and so on. Our aim is to introduce the most representative of the era of IT characters to readers, readers who have the same entrepreneurial desire and entrepreneurial spirit of insight and help. The most recent phase of the site has sprung up. “Venture capitalism” is associated with its twin brother, and media speculation seems to be more preoccupied with this. However, entrepreneurs who can get venture capitalism are, after all, very rare. More start-ups rely on their own starting capital and are constantly rolling, growing and developing. To be honest, we also hope that through such entrepreneurial stories to impress those who aspire to success, so that they adhere to such a common entrepreneurial path, insist. Perhaps, the story of Gong Shaohui has such a representative.
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