
来源 :现代家电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanleejohn
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20世纪80年代,随着电冰箱等家用制冷电器进入中国家庭,为电冰箱配套的主要部件——冰箱压缩机的制造也得到了大力发展。从1983年起,我国开始引进冰箱压缩机的生产技术和设备。1986年底,第一批采用引进技术设备生产的压缩机投放市场。1990年,我国冰箱压缩机生产行业已基本形成,当时压缩机的产量全年不足300万台。1995年18家主要企业总产量为855万吧,1996年12家主要企业总产量为920万台。到2001年底,我国压缩的产量已经达到了约1500万台。2002年预计产量将达到1800万台。 In the 1980s, with domestic refrigeration appliances such as refrigerators entering Chinese households, the manufacture of refrigerator compressors, the main component for refrigerators, has also been vigorously developed. Since 1983, China began to introduce production technology and equipment for refrigerator compressors. At the end of 1986, the first batch of compressors introduced using imported technical equipment were put on the market. In 1990, the production of refrigerator compressors in China had basically taken shape. At that time, the output of compressors was less than 3 million units a year. In 1995, the total output of 18 major enterprises was 8.55 million bars. In 1996, the total output of 12 major enterprises was 9.2 million units. By the end of 2001, China’s compressed production had reached about 15 million units. In 2002, production is expected to reach 18 million units.
听说妻子在单位里搂着电焊大师让他吃奶,丈夫气得差点昏过去。  电焊大师以前是他的情敌,经过艰苦的竞争,在一年前这场三角恋爱他以微弱的优势取胜。如今孩子都有了,想不到局面还会逆转。丈夫接受不了这个事实,决定点燃液化气钢瓶,全家同归于尽。  他走进厨房,关上窗,预先拔下钢瓶上的橡皮管。但过度悲愤的丈夫并未完全丧失理智,行动前他还想当面证实,让妻子也死个明白。  “我回来啦!”妻子利索地脱掉白帆布电焊服