在经过两个多月的寻觅之后,经营渐趋不振的IBM终于在今年4月间完成了该公司有史以来令人瞩目的总裁任命,当选者是食品与烟草集团RJR集团前董事长兼总裁吉斯特纳。主持此一甄选行动的IBM董事柏奇指出,在行动之初,该公司的董事会商定了七项要求,作为甄选的根据。这七项要求是: 1.拥有高科技研究经验。柏奇表示,新当选的总裁吉斯特纳只有一项不合格,就是这第一项高科技经验。尽管如此,作为运筹帷幄的最高主管,此项条件并不是必要的。 2.具有顾客导向的观念。满足顾客需求是当今企业经营理论的中心思想之一,但却一直是IBM最大的弱点,同时也是前任董事长兼总裁艾克斯下台的主要原因。
After more than two months of searching, IBM, whose business has become increasingly stagnant, has finally completed the appointment of the company’s most impressive president in April this year. The candidate was former chairman and president of the Food and Tobacco Group RJR Group. Stena. The director of IBM, Bo Chi, who presided over this selection action, pointed out that at the beginning of the operation, the company’s board of directors agreed on seven requirements as the basis for selection. The seven requirements are: 1. Have high-tech research experience. Bocky said that the newly elected President Gistner has only one failure, which is the first high-tech experience. Nonetheless, as the top executive of the strategy, this condition is not necessary. 2. Has a customer-oriented concept. Satisfying customer needs is one of the central ideas of today’s business management theory, but it has always been IBM’s biggest weakness, and it is also the main reason for former chairman and president Aixe to step down.