In the article the results of measurements of the resultant force in the legs of a powered roof support unit, caused by a dynamic interaction of the rock mass, are discussed. The measurements have been taken in the longwalls mined with a roof fall, characterized by the highest degree of bumping hazard. It has been stated that the maximal force in the legs F m, recorded during a dynamic interaction of the rock mass, is proportional to the initial static force in the legs F st,p . Therefore a need for a careful selection of the initial load of the powered roof support, according to the local mining and geological conditions, results from such a statement. Setting the legs with the supporting load exceeding the indispensable value for keeping the direct roof solids in balance, deteriorating the operational parameters of a longwall system also has a disadvantageous influence on the value of the force in the legs and the rate of its increase, caused by a dynamic interaction of the rock mass. A correct selection of the initial load causes a decrease in the intensity of a dynamic interaction of the rock mass on powered roof supports, which also has an advantageous influence on their life. Simultaneously with the measurements of the resultant force in the legs, the vertical acceleration of the canopy was also recorded. It has enabled to prove that the external dynamic forces may act on the unit both from the roof as well as from the floor. The changes of the force in the legs caused by dynamic phenomena intrinsically created in the roof and changes of the force in the legs caused by blasting explosives in the roof of the working, have been analyzed separately. It has been stated that an increase in the loads of legs, caused by intrinsic phenomena is significantly higher than a force increase in the legs caused by blasting. It means that powered roof supports, to be operated in the workings, where the bumping hazard occurs, will also transmit the loads acting on a unit during blasting. The majority of recorded force changes in the legs has been caused by a dynamic interaction of the roof. They are characterized by a load increase coefficient K d, satisfying the inequality 1 06
摘要:小学体育教学是小学教育的重要组成部分。在体育教学中,教师要注重培养学生的体育能力和体育精神,利用趣味的教学环节激发课堂活力,让学生在快乐的氛围中学习体育、进行体育锻炼,有利于提高他們对体育学习的热情,激发他们的学习主动性。在教学过程中,教师要了解学生的心理特点,根据他们的身体素质设计教学内容,让学生在科学有效的学习活动中获得发展和提高,增强他们的身体素质,实现高效快乐的体育教学。 关键词:
摘要:中学体育教学是素质教育实行的重要环节,中学体育教学引起了广泛的重视,需要全面地了解中学体育教学相关因素,对其进行调查与分析,提高中学体育教学效率,保证教学的质量。鉴于此,本文主要探讨了中学体育教学相关因素,并提出了相应的解决对策,提升中学体育教学水平。 关键词:中学;体育教学;相关因素;调查 素质教育的不断发展,对中学体育教学的要求也在不断的提高,要想确保体育教学的效率与质量,就应了解中
20 0 0年全省广播电视技术维护工作会议于 6月 6日至 8日在达州市举行。会议传达学习了广电总局在广州召开的全国广播电视技术维护工作会议精神 ,总结了 1999年全省广播电视