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喷墨打印机是计算机的外部设备,用于实现文件的硬拷贝,即将计算机对信息的处理结果打印在纸张上。近年来由于喷墨打印技术在社会上被广泛应用,据预测,未来喷墨打印机市场的份额将占60%。因此刑事文检人员将会越来越多地接触喷墨打印机打印的各类文件,需要判断其是何种类、机型、机台的打印机形成的,从而确定文件的来源和真伪,为侦查缩小范围,为法庭提供证据。 An inkjet printer is an external device of a computer that implements a hard copy of a document on which the result of the computer’s processing of the information is printed. In recent years due to inkjet printing technology is widely used in society, it is predicted that the future inkjet printer market share will account for 60%. Therefore, criminal prosecutors will be more and more in touch with all kinds of documents printed by inkjet printers, need to determine what type, model, machine printer formed in order to determine the source of the document and the authenticity of the investigation Narrow the field to provide evidence for the court.
我从小就喜欢剪纸,做纸模型,平时也做些小制作。一个星期天的上午,我正在画画儿,看到书上有一个图案,是个周长大约15cm的圆形。可是,不同圆规怎么才能画出精确的尺寸呢?圆的周长是否可以用尺子直接量出来呢?随即,一大堆的问题萦绕在我的脑海。  于是,我在一张白纸上画出了刻度,在上面写了不同数值的直径乘以3.14的数据,从小到大,从下往上推算。突然一个奇思妙想涌上脑海:如果我在纸条上将这些数据都写上去,