目的:研究树脂改良型玻璃离子联合自酸蚀粘结剂修复Ⅴ类洞时对充填体边缘微渗漏的影响.方法:选取20颗成人新鲜拔除完整无龋前磨牙,清洁后于所有离体牙牙颈部制备标准Ⅴ类洞型,随机分为A组与B组.A组:洞壁使用自酸蚀粘结剂贺利氏ibond进行处理;B组:不做处理,所有窝洞使用树脂改良型玻璃离子FujiⅡLC进行充填,光固化后常规修形抛光.利用流动树脂封闭离体牙根尖孔后按照要求涂布指甲油,彻底干燥后置于37℃浓度为1g/L的罗丹明B溶液中侵泡24h进行荧光染色.染色成功后取出冲洗干净并利用慢速金刚砂切片制作成符合观察标准的薄切片,激光共聚焦显微镜下观察牙体界面与充填体之间染料渗入情况并摄取图像,图像使用LEICA TCS SP8分析软件测量并记录深度.结果:A组与B组的微渗漏深度值分别为(8.63±0.56)μm、(21.64±1.10)μm,两组间数据比较有显著差异(P<0.05),具有统计学意义.结论:利用树脂改良型玻璃离子充填牙颈部Ⅴ类洞时结合自酸蚀粘结剂可以明显减小充填体边缘微渗漏.“,”Objective To evaluate the marginal microleakage of restoring the classⅤ cavities by using the resin modiifed glass ionomer cement combined with the self-etching adhesive.Methods Twenty fresh extracted caries-free pre-molars tooth were selected,ClassⅤ cavities were prepared after cleaning, then randomly and equally divided into group A and group B. Group A was processed with ibond and group B was not processed. Modificated and polished after the cavities filled with FujiⅡLC, then stained by 0.1% rhodamine b for 24 hours with the temperature of 37℃. Cuted into slices which comply with observation standardsby by low-speed carborundum grinding wheel. Abservated and analyzed the depth amomg the dentin and obturator by confocal laser scanning microscope and LEICA TCS SP8 analysis software.Results Marginal microleakage:group A(8.63±0.56) μm group B(21.64±1.10)μm. Signiifcant differences were observed among group A and group B(P<0.05). Conclusion When using resin modiifed glass ionomer cement to ifll the ClassⅤ cavities combined with self-etching adhesive, the marginal microleakage of obturate can be decreased.