蒲葵(Livistona chinensis R. Br.)为多年生草本状常绿乔木,高可达20米,寿命100年以上。多分布在广东省南部,尤以新会县种植为多,被誉为新会特产。蒲葵性喜阳光而耐荫闭,喜温暖多湿而忌严寒干旱,是一种须根系树种,在粘性或砂质壤土上生长良好。一般种后4-5年开始收获,平均每株年产葵叶10-12柄。蒲葵不但是一种庭园观赏植物和良好的四旁绿化树种,也是一种经济林树种。新会县除蒲葵树干未作加工利用外,葵叶已作加工簑衣、船篷、盖房顶的遮盖物和制成精美的蒲葵扇以及高级工艺品。如葵席、花篮、画扇、织
Livistona chinensis R. Br. Is a perennial herbaceous evergreen tree with a height of 20 meters and a longevity of over 100 years. Multi-distribution in southern Guangdong Province, especially in Xinhui County, planting more, known as the Xinhui specialty. Pachyrhizus likes the sun and shades of shade, hi warm and humid and avoid cold and drought, is a fibrous root species, grow well in the sticky or sandy loam. General species 4-5 years after harvest, the average annual production of 10-12 leaves of sunflower leaves. Pachyrhizus is not only a garden ornamental plants and good green trees around, but also a species of economic forest. Xinhui County, in addition to the processing of pachyrhizus trunks did not make use of the sunflower leaves have been processed for clothing, cape, covered roof coverings and made of beautiful Pachica fan and high crafts. Such as Kui Xi, flower basket, painting fan, weaving