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2000年夏夜,飞机上。高峻注视着心事重重的女友,他知道她在为即将要去看望的老人而担忧。高峻与女友李茜茜异国相恋,彼此心意相通。此时此刻,他知道不管说什么都是徒然,于是只伸出手来,握住了女友的手。李茜茜会意,勉强一笑,接着又陷入沉思。洁白的病房内,床上躺着一位满头银发,气息微弱的老人。她睁着眼睛,直直地看着窗外的阳光。旁边站着一位三十来岁的女看护,女看护姓陈,大家都叫她陈大姐,她已经照顾老人三年了。“他们就快来了,刚打过电话说一会儿就到了,已经下飞机了。”陈大姐 Summer 2000, on the plane. Steep looks at the heart of his girlfriend, he knows she is worried about the upcoming visit to the elderly. Li Jun Qian and his girlfriend fell in love with each other, each other similar hearts. At this moment, he knew that no matter what he said was vain, so only reached out and took his girlfriend’s hand. Li Qian Qian knowing, grudging, and then lost in thought. White ward, lying on the bed with a silver hair, frail elderly. She opened her eyes and looked straight at the sunlight outside the window. Standing next to a thirty-year-old female nurse, female nurse surnamed Chen, we all call her Chen Sister, she has taken care of the elderly for three years. “They’re coming soon, just called and said a while, already off the plane.” "Sister Chen
美国船王哈利年事已高,他想从两个儿子当中挑选一个做接班人。但两个儿子都十分优秀,难分伯仲,到底选谁好呢?  一天,哈利把两个儿子叫到办公室,分别给了他们每人2000美元,让他们到赌场去赌钱。两个儿子都不明白父亲的用意,但都没说什么。他们来到赌场,大儿子一上场就开始输,越输钱越想捞本,最后把2000美元輸个精光。小儿子一上场也是输,但他在输掉了几百美元之后就罢手不玩了,兜里揣着剩下了一千多美元回家了
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During the period of preparation and hosting of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, “People’s Olympic Games” Ideals will go deep into the economy of the Olympic
一、为什么要提出逮捕问题? 作为一种司法现象,逮捕巳经有了很长的历史。然而,相当时期以来,这一问题并没有得到法学界的重视。尽管在整个诉讼程序中,逮捕与立案、侦查、审
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