目的:探讨本市儿童手足口病定点医院病人流行的基本特征和控制措施效果。方法:对我院收治的手足口患儿的处理措施及效果等资料进行回顾性分析。结果:2008年4月30日至7月31日,我院累计报告发病1197例。首例于4月30日入院,5月开始全市疫情呈上升趋势,5月上旬达最高峰,此后疫情呈下降趋势,7月份以后日平均发病人数降至6例以下。发病年龄以3岁以下为主(80.28%)。502例住院患儿中,普通病例405例(80.68%),重症病例97例(19.32%,包括门诊患儿在内占8.10%)。其中27例重症患儿行病毒学检查,肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus71,EV71)阳性19例(70.37%),柯萨奇病毒A16型(Cox A16)阳性4例(14.81%)。主要控制措施及效果:按病情轻重分别在手足口病门诊、专门隔离病区和PICU病房隔离治疗;加强病房通风换气;进行空气、物体表面消毒;医务人员加强个人防护。治愈1179例(98.50%),好转7例(0.58%),自动出院9例(0.75%),死亡2例(0.17%)。儿科住院病人和工作人员家属无1例因院内感染致手足口病。结论:落实各项控制措施,全员培训,合理设计隔离病区,早期识别并治疗重症病例是控制此病的关键。
Objective: To explore the basic characteristics and control measures of the prevalence of hand, foot and mouth disease patients in the city. Methods: Retrospective analysis of the treatment measures and effects of children with hand-foot-mouth treated in our hospital. Results: From April 30, 2008 to July 31, 2008, a total of 1197 cases were reported in our hospital. The first case was admitted to hospital on April 30, and the outbreak in Shanghai began to rise in May and peaked in early May. Since then, the outbreak has been on a downward trend. The average daily incidence after July dropped below 6 cases. The age of onset to 3 years of age (80.28%). Among 502 hospitalized children, there were 405 common cases (80.68%), 97 severe cases (19.32%, including 8.10% of outpatients). Among 27 severe cases, 19 cases (70.37%) were positive for Enterovirus 71 (EV71) and 4 cases (14.81%) were positive for Cox A16. The main control measures and effects: according to the severity of HFMD clinics, specialized isolation wards and PICU ward isolation treatment; strengthen ward ventilation; air, disinfection of the surface of objects; medical personnel to strengthen personal protection. 1179 cases (98.50%) were cured, 7 cases improved (0.58%), 9 cases were discharged spontaneously (0.75%) and 2 cases died (0.17%). Pediatric inpatients and staff members of family members no one due to nosocomial infections hand-foot-mouth disease. Conclusion: The implementation of various control measures, full training, rational design of isolated ward, early identification and treatment of severe cases is the key to control the disease.