新疆最大的淡水湖—博斯腾湖,位于巴音郭楞蒙古自治州博斯腾湖县境内,由于人类水土开发活动和气候因素的综合影响,湖泊水质由淡水逐渐变成了微咸水,生态环境受到了破坏。以博斯腾湖矿化度作为湖水水质变化的一个重要指标参数,运用Mann-kendall趋势检验法和小波分析法,探讨了不同盐度目标设计情景下,湖泊自然状况的需水量,为流域的人类活动提供科学的指导。结果表明:理论上在多年平均情况下,两种情景下湖区的需水量分别是12.62×108m3和14.28×108m3,对应的绝对水位分别是7.25 m和7.70 m。近年来,尽管博斯腾湖年均脱盐量达30.6×104t·a-1,但是矿化度依然较高,而增加入湖淡水量、减少盐量入湖仍然是改善湖泊水质的一个有效途径。
Bosten Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Xinjiang, is located in Bosten Lake County, Bayingueleng Mongol Autonomous Region. Due to the comprehensive influence of human activities of soil and water development and climatic factors, the lake water quality has gradually changed from freshwater to brackish water and the ecological environment has been destroyed. Taking the Bosten Lake salinity as an important index of lake water quality, the Mann-kendall trend test and wavelet analysis were used to investigate the water demand of lakes in different salinities target design scenarios and to provide human activities in the basin Scientific guidance. The results show that the theoretical water demand under the two scenarios is 12.62 × 108m3 and 14.28 × 108m3 respectively, and the corresponding absolute water levels are 7.25 m and 7.70 m respectively. In recent years, although annual average desalination volume of Bosten Lake reaches 30.6 × 104t · a-1, its salinity is still high. Increasing freshwater entering into the lake and reducing salt into the lake are still an effective way to improve the lake water quality.