Discovery of a small molecule inhibitor of cullin neddylation that triggers ER stress to induce auto

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Protein neddylation is catalyzed by a three-enzyme cascade,namely an E1 NEDD8-activating enzyme(NAE),one of two E2 NEDD8 conjugation enzymes and one of several E3 NEDD8 ligases.The physiological substrates of neddylation are the family members of cullin,the scaffold component of cullin RING ligases(CRLs).Currently,a potent El inhibitor,MLN4924,also known as pevonedistat,is in several clinical trials for anti-cancer therapy.Here we report the discovery,through virtual screening and structural modifications,of a small molecule compound HA-1141 that directly binds to NAE in both in vitro and in vivo assays and effectively inhibits neddylation of cullins 1-5.Sur-prisingly,unlike MLN4924,HA-1141 also triggers non-canonical endoplasmic reticulum(ER)stress and PKR-mediated terminal integrated stress response(ISR)to activate ATF4 at an early stage,and to inhibit protein synthesis and mTORC1 activity at a later stage,eventually leading to autophagy induction.Bio-logically,HA-1141 suppresses growth and survival of cultured lung cancer cells and tumor growth in in vivo xenograft lung cancer models at a well-tolerated dose.Taken together,our study has identified a small molecule compound with the dual activities of blocking neddylation and triggering ER stress,leading to growth suppression of cancer cells.
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目的 了解合肥市居民生活饮用水卫生状况,为提高和改善居民生活饮用水卫生质量提供科学依据.方法 合肥市2020年按照GB/T5750-2006《生活饮用水标准检验方法》于丰水期和枯水期共采集781份水样进行监测,按GB5749-2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》进行结果评价.结果 合肥市2020年共监测水样781份,合格水样721份,合格率为92.32%;城市水、农村水水样合格率为分别为98.02%和90.33%,两者差异有统计学意义(x2=12.492,P< 0.001).枯水期和丰水期的水样合格率分别为95
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目的 通过对住院规培研究生心理健康现况调查,了解住院规培研究生在“双轨合一”培养模式下和冬季新型冠状疫情散发状态下的心理健康现状及影响因素.方法 采用DASS-21量表,通过线上问卷的方式对牡丹江医学院住院规培研究生进行心理健康状况调查.结果 住院规培研究生抑郁发生率19.4% (61/314)、焦虑发生率21.3% (67/314)、压力发生率11.5% (37/314).多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,睡眠障碍(OR=6.399,95%CI=2.726~15.022)、每周不规律用餐1次和多次