由范仲淹倡导、推行的庆历新政 ,是以整饬吏治为首要 ,以砥砺士风、改革科举、兴办学校、认明经旨、培养人才为本源 ,兼及军事、经济等领域。庆历新政的成败得失决定了以后宋学精神的发展。庆历新政不仅是熙宁变法的先河 ,而且由于庆历新政与熙宁变法正反两方面的作用 ,确定了二程洛学的发展方向。
The new policy of Qingyang calendar advocated and promoted by Fan Zhongyan is based on the principle of “rectifying officials and administering the whole nation,” the policy of “reforming the imperial examination system, reforming the imperial civil examinations, setting up schools, identifying the aims, cultivating human resources, and military and economic fields.” The pros and cons of the New Deal of the Qing calendar determines the development of the spirit of the Song dynasty. Qingli New Deal is not only the precedent of the Xining Political Reform, but also determines the direction of the development of the two-way Los Angeles because of the positive and negative effects of the Qingli New Deal and the Xining Political Reform.