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  English people like to say “Thank you” whenever others helpthem or say something kind to them. People of many countries doso,too.It is a very good habit.
  You should say“Thank you” when someone passes you the salton the table,when someone walking ahead of you keeps the dooropen for you, when someone says you have done your work well,oryou have bought a nice thing,or your city is very beautiful.
  “Thank you” is used not only between friends,but also betweenparents and children,brothers and sisters,husbands and wives.
  “Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When youhear someone say so behind you,you know that somebody wants towalk past you without touching you.
  It’s not good to break in on others while they aretalking.If you want to speak to one of them, you shouldsay “Exeuse me”first,and then begin talking. YOu shouldalso do so when you want to cough or make any unpleas-ant noise before others
  Let’s all learn to say“Thank yon”and“Excuse me”.
  A bank was robbed by an armed robber.
  He walked into the bank,went up to the bank teller,pointeda gun at her and said,“Give me all the money or I’ll shoot.”
  The bank teller was frightened and did as the robber asked.
  The police later asked the bank teller if she could tell themanything about the robber.
  “He wore a stocking over his face,”the bank teller said.“I’mafraid I can’t tell you what he looked like.”A week later,the bankwas robbed again.
  “I’m sure it was the same man.”the bank teller said.“I didn’tsee his face,because he had a stocking over it again,but the voicewas the same when he said‘Give me all the money or I’ll shoot.’”
  A week later,the bank was robbed for the third time.
  “Was it the same man?”The police asked the bank teller.
  “oh,yes,I’m sure it was,”the bank teller said.“I didn’t seehis face because he wore a stocking over it again,but it was thesame Voice.”
  “Are you sure you didn’t notice anything else about the man?”The police asked.“A little detail. Anything that might help us findhim.”
  The bank teller thought for a minute,then she said,“There isone thing.”
  “And what is that?”The police said hopefully.
  “Every time he comes in and robs us.” the teller said,“He’sbetter dressed than before.”
初三的小豆顺利考上市上的重点高中,在送她报名的那天,好朋友问她:“刚上初一的时候,你的成绩还是‘倒计时’,怎么三年下来,变化那么大啊?”小豆想了想:“那是源于一次感动……”  是的,探索人的成功,无论是伟人还是平常人,差不多都会告诉你一个共同的“经验”,那就是,因为一次或者几次感动。感动,每一个人都会时常产生的情绪,一个人“情商”的重要成分。竟然会和一个个的成功联系在一起!可见,学会感动对于我们,
彭丽的快乐感悟    生命的点点滴滴构成了生活,生活在我们的一颦一笑中有了价值。我们每一个快乐的瞬间都是一道彩虹。  因为一次测验的失利,沮丧的我走在回家的路上,数着人行道上的小方格。路边一户人家放在台阶上的一只土陶碗吸引了我——那只碗模样笨拙,是乡下最常见的粗陶,一只沿儿上还磕掉了一个缺口。碗里盛着一坏泥土,泥土上站着一小丛花。它们矮小的身子肩并着肩,细棍似的小叶子像胳膊,你搭着我,我搭着你,头
(时间120分钟 满分150分)  A卷(共100分)  一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)  1. 今年2月份某市一天最高气温是-2℃,最低气温是-11℃,那么这一天的最低气温比最高气温低().  A. -13℃ B. -9℃ C. 13℃ D. 9℃  2. 保护水资源,人人有责,我国是缺水国家,目前可利用淡水资源总量约为899000亿米3,用科学记数法表示这个数为().  A. 8.99×1
(90分钟完成,满分100分)  可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 N—14 O—16 S—32 Zn—65  一、选择题(本大题15小题,每小题2分,共30分。在每小题列出的选项中,只有一个是正确的,请将正确选项的字母写在该题后括号中)  1.日常生活中的下列变化,只发生了物理变化的是〔〕  A.蔬菜腐烂B.面包发霉  C.灯泡通电后发亮D.菜刀生锈  2.最近在我国河北省的海陆交界处发
我想起了远逝的丝绸之路    总是想起那满载辉煌的古道。  跟着汉使张骞的驼队,从长安出发,西出阳关。一路走来,歪歪斜斜的足迹,印满岁月里不寻常的邂逅。  抚摸着那段孟姜女哭倒的长城,看枯草在暮色中抖动秋天的根须,却在仰天一瞥时看到了远天的归鸿;我听到了昭君出塞时那凄婉的琵琶声,看到了苏武牧羊时紧握的汉使旌节,目睹了李广自刎前愤怒成一团燃烧的火焰。  心上有一堵斑驳的城墙,永远地横亘着。西域中的丝
前面我们讲到卫和平同学的“烦恼”,对女生身体的秘密充满了好奇和激动。我们知道这并不表明卫和平同学学坏了,而是青春期男孩子正常的性心理活动的表现之一。  除此之外,在卫和平同学身上还发生了哪些变化呢?我们接着往下看。  这是一个“乍暖还寒”“含苞欲放”的初春的一天。在去石潭湖的路上,和平与灵灵结成了伴儿。他们手牵着手漫步在春天的阳光里,穿过树林,越过小溪,来到香气怡人的花草丛中。周围没有其他的人。静
要作出某物理现象或过程的图像,可用实验测相关的物理量,然后在直角坐标上,将所测数据确定一些“点”再连接成“线”,即成(见后例题1)。    注:本文中所涉及到的圖表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文
计算阴影部分图形的面积是初中数学的一个重要知识点,也是中考试卷上的常见题型,本文将分类例谈这类问题的解法,供同学们学习参考。  一、直接法 当已知图形为我们熟知的基本图形时,先求出涉及适合该图形的面积计算公式中某些线段、角的大小,然后直接代入公式进行计算。
A卷  第Ⅰ卷  一、1.B(xū)  2.C(A项“灌”应为“贯”,B项的“灰”应为“恢”,D项的“漩”应为“旋”)  3.A(“观察”和“观测”都有对事物或现象仔细察看的意思,但“观测”除了仔细察看外,还有“测量”之意。根据语境,⑴句应填“观察”。“隐藏”的意思是“躲藏,不让人知道”,是个中性词;而“隐瞒”是掩盖真相不让人知道,是贬义词。根据语境,⑵句应填“隐藏”。“缭绕”是“回环旋转”的意思
A卷  第Ⅰ卷  一、1.B(“抹”应为mò)  2.D(A项“罔然”应为“惘然”;B 项“绡声”应为“销声”;C项“无银”应为“无垠”)  3.C  4.C(A项“处心积虑”指蓄意已久,千方百计地谋算。用作贬义,使用不正确)  5. D(应为“有约/不来/过/夜半,闲敲/棋子/落/灯花”)  二、6.C(“类”应为“类似、像”之意)  7.D(“可”前者为“大约”之意,后者为“可以”。“为”均为