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当代许多海内外著名学者都认为即将结束的 20世纪是“把一切都当作大笑话的时代”——为了 走出20世纪的历史迷雾,从“荒谬”走向“真理”, 他们预言:“历史正在往回走!”德国的哲学狂人尼 采(1844—1900)曾说过: “艺术,唯有艺术,我们有了艺术才不因艺术 而死亡!”——这种评论可能适应20世纪之前的 艺术创作实践。 被西方人所吹捧的“20世纪现代主义艺术大 师”毕加索(1881—1973)倒是歪打正着,他以“荒 谬”的目光看到了“真理”的影子: “艺术!正是艺术扼杀了我们。”——因为他 的全部艺术仅仅在于“如何说服别人对他的谎言 信以为真!”——这也许适应于20世纪荒诞的艺 术活动,肯定不能成为未来艺术的导向。我曾反 复强调自己的美学观点:艺术产生于生命冲动,是 生命的延续和扩大,是“死亡意识”的转移、消费和 升华。自然赐予我们第一生命(肉体),我们不以 此为满足,还要创造第二生命(精神),并强迫前者 为后者进行投资。因此,当第二生命受到外部世 界的威胁时,第一生命要勇于牺牲,以完成第二生 命。这样,每件艺术品的产生都可以被理解为是 一次象征性自杀…… Many contemporary scholars at home and abroad think the coming 20th century is “an age when all is regarded as a joke.” In order to get out of the mist of history in the 20th century and move from “absurdity” to “truth,” they predicted that “history is being carried out Go back! ”German philosopher Nietzsche (1844-1900) once said:“ Art, art alone, art without art death! ”- This comment may be adapted to the art prior to the twentieth century Creative practice. Picasso (1881-1973), a twentieth-century master of modern art touted by Westerners, was a crooked play and saw the shadow of “truth” in “absurd” terms: “Art is precisely what art stifles us.” - - because all his art is simply “how to convince others to believe his lies!” - perhaps adapted to the absurd artistic activities of the 20th century, certainly can not be the guide of future art. I have repeatedly emphasized my own aesthetic point of view: art is born of life impulse, which is the continuation and expansion of life and the transfer, consumption and sublimation of “death consciousness.” Nature gives us first life (the flesh), and we do not satisfy it, but also create a second life (spirit) and force the former to invest for the latter. Therefore, when the second life is threatened by the outside world, the first life must be brave enough to sacrifice to complete the second life. In this way, the production of each artwork can be understood as a symbolic suicide ...