为了给移动用户提供最好的无所不在的无线宽带接入,不同无线网的融合是当前通信领域的热点研究。而切换管理又是解决无线网无缝融合的最具挑战性的问题。文中讨论了IEEE 802.11WLAN与IEEE 802.16e移动WiMAX网的融合与切换管理。描述其结构和应用场景,介绍了IEEE802.21,它为介质独立的异类网切换提供了一个信令框架,提出了如何使用IEEE802.21解决WLAN与移动WiMAX网之间的切换,并给出了详细的切换过程。说明了使用IEEE 802.21解决WLAN与移动WiMAX网之间的切换是可行有效的。
In order to provide mobile users with the best ubiquitous wireless broadband access, the convergence of different wireless networks is a hot area of research in the field of communications. The switch management is to solve the seamless integration of wireless networks the most challenging issues. The paper discusses the integration and handover management of IEEE 802.11 WLAN and IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX network. Describes its structure and application scenarios, introduced the IEEE802.21, which provides a signaling framework for heterogeneous heterogeneous network switch media independent, proposed how to use IEEE802.21 to solve the WLAN and mobile WiMAX network switching between, and gives the Detailed switching process. It shows that using IEEE 802.21 to solve the problem of switching between WLAN and mobile WiMAX network is feasible and effective.