2004年对江苏扬州郊区露地蔬菜豌豆彩潜蝇种群动态进行了调查,并就氯氰菊酯乳油、5%抑太保乳油、10%吡虫啉粉剂等3种常用农药对豌豆彩潜蝇的防虫效果进行了比较。结果表明:豌豆彩潜蝇主要分布在菊科、十字花科、豆科和葫芦科等蔬菜上,以莴苣、生菜、萝卜、花椰菜、豌豆、蚕豆发生较严重。10%氯氰菊酯乳油2 000、3 000倍液于用药后7、11 d的防效分别在85%和80%以上,10%吡虫啉粉剂1 000倍液于用药后11 d的防效也在80%以上。
In 2004, the population dynamics of pea leafworm Pea in a suburb of Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province were investigated. The pest control effects of pea leaffolders Pea on three common pesticides including cypermethrin EC, 5% OCTOL and 10% imidacloprid were compared. The results showed that the pea was mainly distributed in Asteraceae, Cruciferae, Leguminosae and Cucurbitaceae, while the lettuce, lettuce, radish, cauliflower, pea and broad bean were more serious. The control effect of 10% cypermethrin 2 000,3 000 times liquid on the 7th and 11th day after treatment was over 85% and 80%, respectively. The control effect of 10% imidacloprid powder 1000 times on the 11th day after treatment was also above 80% the above.